Two Marked Men

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A bare-chested man in the usual prison issued orange pants walked up to a guard.  Before the guard could pull his weapon out, the escaped inmate had driven a small carving knife into his chest.  The man, Victor Zsasz, known as Mr. Zsasz, drew the blade across his own scrawny wrist.  It matched the numerous other tally marks that covered his entire body and marked the assassinations of his victims.  Little was known about him except that he was a dangerous serial killer with a ruthless ambition.  He turned to another guard and was about to bring his knife down on him, when a piece of metal hit the ground, a gunshot rang out, and the guard fell dead.

"Name's Harvey.  Harvey Dent.  You can can call me Two-face."  said the tall man who had come up behind Mr. Zsasz.  His voice was deep and gruff.  His face, down the whole left side, had been severely burnt down to the muscle.  He had once been Gotham's District Attorney before being almost blown to bits in the same incident Rachel Dawes, Gotham's other District attorney, had been blown up by the Joker.  It had left the entire left side of his body permanently scarred. 

"What do you want, Two-face?"  Asked Mr. Zsasz eyeing the blade of his carving knife and then looked back at Harvey.

Harvey Dent held up a coin and turned it around several times.  It was a rare two-headed quarter with Lady Liberty engraved on both sides.  One side had been marred by fire in Harvey's accident. 

"If it comes up die.  If however, it comes up clean... I'll help  you escape."

He tossed the coin up in the air, caught it in midair, and slapped it down on the back of his hand.  Looking up he said  "Clean."   He then repeated the action and said "black."   He then turned around and shot the S.W.A.T guard who was coming up behind him. 

Turning back to the half-clothed serial killer, Mr. Zsasz, he ordered roughly, "Come on let's go."

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