Opinion on Nikolina

32 11 4

Please tell me I spelt your name right 😩 @beckett_my_mom378

I was bored, and really didn't feel like writing, and then I remembered 'hey Lexy! Remember when you asked people to ask questions again because you were too lazy, yeah answer those!'

Sorry ^^


Okay so I kinda just started talking to her kinda recently. But I mean she's really fun to talk to! I really enjoy talking to her because we have a lot in common.

And she told me where I can watch Pretty Little Liars ☺️☺️

She's such a cool girl! Like you don't even have to be nervous to talk her, like I am with some people. She's really easygoing, well to me at least.

She's an overall kind and thoughtful person! She's really really nice. We can almost everyday, because she will always answer your messages. Which is really nice, because sometimes you can text someone and then they end up not replying, which is well urgh. But not with her!

She's really helpful as well! All I can say is that she absolutely amazing! And if you haven't talked to her yet, then you better start! You won't regret it! She's a great friend to have!


~Lexy 😈

(The multimedia function finally came to me (: but I don't really know when to use it...)

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