Book Review : Fame by @Naxinator

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Here is your long overdue book review (that kinda rhymed!!) for Charlene, Naxinator

General Comment : I really like this book. My favorite part is the April Fools Day part. That's the funniest part, and it's so cute, guys vs girls. And of course girls are winning. GIRL POWER! I found that a very good part because they guys thought because they were girls, they wouldn't be able to beat them. Which is Gender Discrimination which I hate. I think this is also a very cute book, the romantic parts are well romantic. And then there are some secrets, and there is a cute Vilu and Naty friendship. And there is Naxi and Feliaty. So there is lots of nice couples.

Suggestions :  there really aren't many. Um, maybe update more often, but I understand you are going through a tough time with school. And then maybe longer chapters

End Comment : this is a great book. You have done a good job with this, you are amazing! Keep doing what you are doing, 'cause girl it's working.

Rating : 8/10


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