Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to All of you

Firstly, I just want to start off by thanking all of you, voters and commenters and ghost readers alike, because your support always means so much to me. I love writing but being able to write for those who love my work and eagerly wait for updates makes it all that much more thrilling.

Over the Edge is the sequel to Daughter of the Demon and the second installment in this “True Hearts” series I’ve begun. I’ve created it, among my other books, because I feel there are a lot of issues and topics among teens—or young people in general—not given enough of a voice. I introduced the small town of Heart, North Carolina in Daughter of the Demon, broaching topics such as suicide, familial strains, self-harming and depression with Jemma, and the pains of a neglected home-life with Jacob. Over the Edge took on the topics of bullying and rape, of a broken home and the fragility of a teen’s emotions. Being one myself—as most of you are, too—it’s hard enough without all the added stress, right?

I’ve personally experienced or witnessed everything I write about in this series. And while a common occurrence will be a usually somewhat happy ending, I know that isn’t always the case. However, in my family and with my close friends, I’ve witnessed what love and understanding can do for a difficult situation. But it doesn’t always have to be a lover. It can be a friend, a neighbor, a parent, a teacher. As Jemma, Jacob, Rhys and Emma found out, it doesn’t matter who you talk to; you just can’t go it alone.

The plots and stories themselves will focus on a central issue, or even a few issues at a time. The idea is to make them relatable, to offer some insight and inspiration and bring attention to the realistic side-effects and consequences of these issues among us. We all see the stories in the paper, in the news, and many of them don’t end as we would like them to.

I want to make the subjects as true and real as possible, while still getting that specific point/central focus across.

But anyway, they are fun to write—if not trying on my emotions—and I’m glad you all seem to enjoy them. Now that the heavy stuff is over, how about a look ahead? I’m thinking of trying to write two stories at one time on here. I’ve never successfully done that but I’m going to try, because there are two I’m feeling really good about. One that’s more humorous, and the other a “True Hearts” series installment. For those of you who actually read through this whole thing, thank you, and again I appreciate all the support you give me. You guys are seriously the best.  Until next time! :D


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