Chapter 4

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We pull up into my driveway and I get out of his car. He follows me  to my door. When we reach my porch I turn around and look at him. "Thanks for the ride" I say smiling at him. "Anytime, see you at school tomorrow." He says smirking. "Bye Mr. Adams." 

I unlocked the door quickly, desperate to get out of the rain, that was poring down on me. I threw my bag on the floor and kicked off my running shoes. I peeled off my drenched t-shirt over my head as I ran up the stairs toward the shower. The house was freezing and my muscles ached as i grabbed a towel from the cupboard and threw it on the toilet as i got into the shower after taking off the rest of my clothes. The warm water washed over my body. Eventually my hair and body felt clean and refreshed. I stepped out, turning the water off,  and grabbing my towel and as pulled it around  myself there was a knock at the door downstairs. I ran into my room grabbing a over sized band t-shirt and pulled it over my head before sliding down the banister and opened the door. 

There, on the other side of the door was Mr. Adams. My face got all red realizing that my shirt barley just covered  the top of my thighs and my hair was all tangled and damp, falling over my shoulders in waves. "

"Um, hello Mr. Adams." I said looking at him trying to hide behind the door. He smiled and handed me my phone, saying "You forgot this in my car." "Oh thanks Mr. Adams for bringing it back to me." I said. 

"Your welcome, but Grace, outside of school please call me Jeffery, I hate Mr. Adams. " He cringed and I smiled and said "Bye Jeffery." 

"Bye Grace." 

I closed the door and turned on my phone and went back upstairs to my room. At about 8 pm  Amber came over with her bag packed to spend the night and she had some taco bell. "I got us taco bell on the way here. Your favorite" Amber stated. "Thanks!" I said. We pulled the tacos out of the bag and sat down on the couch and watched pretty little liars until 10 pm then went to sleep. 

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