The Approaching Fear

Start from the beginning

"She died a few years ago." Tayo bluntly stated with bitter. I flinched at this and Yamika's eyes grew a certain kind of sorrow. "She was a ninja back at our old village. One day she had an important mission and was killed. We had her buried in her home village but moved here... Aiko was visiting her grave, it was Aiko's birthday wish."

"And we were worried for Aiko's safety. We never got a real explanation as to why Saiya was killed, so we sent a guard with, but Aiko told us what happened last night." Tayo finished up for his wife. I looked down, feeling even more guilt. I should have kept out of this. "I-I'm sorry." "Don't be!" Yamika said with a new found smile. "You got Aiko back to us. We heard about the attack as well and I-... I don't know what we would have done if you weren't there." I returned her smile but most of it was fake. Though, this new found information has me thinking, Saiya was killed for a reason, right? Then perhaps those Ninja were after Aiko for a reason? Maybe a grudge.

"Excuse me, can I use your bathroom?" I asked, needing a moment to myself. Yamika pointed down the hall. "Thank you." I thanked her and walked to the bathroom silently, trying to ignore the bickering between Tayo and his wife now that I was out of the room. I sighed and closed the bathroom door quietly. I probably shouldn't have asked any of that, but curiosity always swarms my mind. I laughed dryly to myself. No wonder Kieo calls me Kitten, I really am curious like one. I stepped over by the bathroom sink, running the water and splashing it on to my face. It felt refreshing, not to mention cooling. I looked down at my side to see I still had my ninja pouches and everything from yesterday.

Yesterday... I felt a certain emotion embrace me. It felt like awe, yet so full of sorrow. I've never killed anyone before even as a Chunin. I've always despised death due to the young memories of Gaara's wrath and hatred of others that led to so many unnecessary deaths. I shook my head, trying to erase these thoughts. What's done is done. It was me or Heriko. Thankfully for myself, it ended up being Heriko. 

A loud clattering gained my attention. "LIKE I'D TELL YOU-GAHHH-!!" "AH! TAYO!!?" I ran out of the bathroom hearing the screaming and back to where Aiko's parents were. My eyes narrowed at the scene. A guy, a few years older than me with murky colored hair and glasses, stood over a seemingly knocked out Tayo. Another man, at least in his thirties was by the table that was now knocked over. He had dark brown hair that parted to the left. Yamika cowered under him, looking terrified. "Ugh, Konoha scum." The older man spat out, his eyes going over me. "Atsume, take care of this. I'm going to look for the girl." The words made Yamika snap. "NO! LEAVE HER BE!" She yelled at him, trying to hit him with a feeble punch.

The man rolled his eyes and went to slap her away when I flash stepped in front of him, catching his hand and sending a swift kick his way. He skidded back, easily regaining composure. "Sensei. Do you think this is the girl who... killed Heriko?" Atsume asked with a hesitant tone. The Sensei examined me with some interest. "Are you?" I took out needles, keeping them in between my knuckles. "I might be." The Sensei let out a startlingly laugh that made Atsumi flinch. "In that case, Heriko deserves to be dead. To be killed by this little girl, hah." I felt anger in me start to boil. To talk about your student as if he meant nothing... Even if it was a bastard like Heriko.

"Atsume. You know what to do." The Sensei suddenly disappeared from sight, no doubt going to look for Aiko. I ran ahead to follow for him when Atsume jumped in front of me with a kunai in his hand. "I'm sorry about this." He murmured before slashing out at me. I narrowly dodged and hopped back, closer to the front door now. I met eyes with Yamika and traced down to her husband, silently telling her to tend to him. She nodded and followed my orders. I continued tracing my eyes to the dark eyes of Atsume. "You.. You don't seem like a bad person. Your Sensei is hunting down an innocent girl... You wouldn't want her to be harmed right?" Atsume looked away before looking back at me. "It's not the girl we want. It's the necklace around her neck. Her sister stole it from the village... It's very valuable." 

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