Chapter 14: The Tomb

Start from the beginning

"I'm Anna, I thought maybe Jeremy would have mentioned me..." She laughed. "I mean, we're practically dating!"

"Don't you dare touch Jeremy." I growled.

"I think your little brother can handle himself. I mean look what position you put him in, between the Salvatore's." She smiled.

"What's your motive? Why do you want the tomb open?" I asked watching her closely.

"That's none of your business Roxanne." She smiled again. "Now tell me, what's it like watching your sister get the love and affection you want from Stefan Salvatore."

"Shut up!" I yelled angrily. "Bonnie's not opening that tomb for you any time soon."

"Oh I think she will." Anna nodded still having that smile plastered to her face.

"Why do you want Katherine out so badly?" I asked.

"Trust me. No one I know wants to see that girl again. Except Damon, the lovestruck idiot." She rolled her eyes.

"Then what is it? Or who is it?" I asked suspiciously.

"My mother's in there." She sighed walking closer towards me. "Katherine couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away."

"I'm so sorry." I replied sincerely knowing what it was like to have my mother token away from me.

"You really mean that, don't you?" She chuckled. "Yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you can start serving a purpose."

"Which is what exactly?" I asked.

"Leverage." She smiled holding up my cell phone that was just in my boot. "This belong to you?"

Anna walked across the room, dialing a number on my phone. I watched her wait for someone to answer. She perked up when someone came over the speaker. That's when I'd realized she had called Stefan. I tried putting the pieces of the conversation together just by listening to Anna's side. She started to talk about Emily's spell book and that she wants it. Stefan doesn't have it anymore, Damon does and we all know that Damon doesn't feel anything right now. He would rather jump off a cliff then hand over the grimoire to Stefan. I groaned quietly as Anna hung up the phone telling Stefan repeatedly to get it from Damon. Is she really that stupid? Has she not learned a thing about what Damon is cable and in cable of doing?

"I'm leaving." Anna knocked on the bathroom door and Ben brought Bonnie out. "Don't let them leave. They can't be compelled so just use violence if things get out of hand."

"So you're literally the key to opening the tomb." Ben laughed at Bonnie once Anna had left. "So how long have you been a witch?"

"Long enough." I replied in place for Bonnie because she was still afraid of Ben.

"Do you have anything to drink?" Bonnie asked.

"Are you offering?" Ben asked evilly getting out of his chair, but quickly sat back down. "It's on the night stand."

"Can I have a sip?" I asked. Bonnie nodded handing it to me slowly. I threw it at Ben and lit him on fire. Bonnie and I made a run for it, but before I could get out Ben grabbed me angrily pulling me back inside.

"Come back in and shut the door!" Ben demanded.

"Don't hurt her." Bonnie said quietly.

"Don't make me." He replied angrily as Bonnie shut the door. "Lock it and sit back down."

"Let me go." I growled trying to get out of his grip. He let me go and I fell back into Bonnie. "You're such a dick."

"Shut up before I rip your throat out and ruin all of Anna's plans." He growled slamming the mini fridge door.

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