Chapter Six- More Than Just Your Irish Boy

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        I stand on the top of the building Harry was supposed to be dropping girls off at. I was swinging my legs off the edge smiling at myself waiting for Harry to get here. Too bad he had to drive so slow. I looked up at the stars and ate some potato chips I had brought to keep from falling asleep due to boredom.     

        When he finally arrived the girls and him were carrying their things inside. Harry glanced up at me about once or twice, but thankfully the girls were too sleepy to notice me. Probably better if they didn't notice me at the moment. Then I would have to slip into 1D Niall Horan mode, and I was too lazy to do something like that now. I just needed to talk to Harry. I knew something was bothering him that one night in New York. He thinks I'm dumb, but he should probably respect his elders since he's the youngest in the group and just be honest with me. I always find things like these out. Especially when I'm more than just the Irish cute-baby-faced-boy with the bright blue eyes in the One Direction band.         

        When Harry finished, he looked up at me from below. "My god Niall, how did you even get up there?"

        I shrug. "I jumped of course."


        I braced myself and jumped off the roof landing perfectly on my feet right in front of him. "Yes, Hazza, I jumped."

        He gave me a disapproving glare. "You know not to do things like that." 

       I shrug giving a him a smile. "No one noticed you worry wart." I handed out my chips for him to take. "Want some? It'll take the edge off."

        Harry rolled his eyes and pushed them away. "No, they only let you take the edge off. I'm totally different,"

        "Drugs are bad Hazza," I shook my finger disapprovingly and crunched on a chip. 

        Harry snorts. "Drugs? Right, I don't need that pathetic thing that humans use to get off."

        I snort. "Now you're going to walk around calling everyone a human as if it's a bad thing?"

        Harry shrugs. "Some humans just...infuriate me with their ignorance."

        "Lessons number one to being good," I say petting his curly hair. "Be patient, and do not view all humans as the same. They are flawed, but they are also His children."

        Harry rolls his eyes. "Who comes up with this bull crap?"

        I sigh. "Keep this up you won't be going anywhere but..." I pause and flash a smile pointing below me.

        He groans. "Fine, fine whatever."

        "I tried leaving you alone on the roof top as if everything was normal," I say quietly leaning on the apartment building door.

        "We aren't normal," Harry growls and grabs my collar. "But you refuse to understand that. You're terribly dull witted, Niall." 

        I made a face and then just laughed; this seemed to aggravate him though. "I liked to pretend we're normal. It's fun, isn't it? I like being apart of One Direction, don't you? The fans...the touring. It's all so fun isn't it?"

        Harry lets go of my collar and runs a hand through his hair. "I hate pretending. It's annoying putting on acts for people. They don't adore me; they adore the act I put on."

        I pat his back. "Harry, of course they adore the act you put on. The real you would make them pee their pants."

        Harry glares for a quick moment before turning around. "Can we head back to the others now? They're safety in their new apartments."                 

        "Of course buddy!" I pat him on the shoulder and hop into the passenger seat and stay quiet just eating as he drives quickly.

        I turn just a little to get a better view at the apartment that was now getting smaller. I couldn't tame Harry all by myself even though that's what I was sent here to do. Taming one of the Fallen...well, that was an almost impossible job. But I guess I chose to accept it anyhow. I've always loved the challenge; as a human and even now. But I knew, I couldn't do this alone. Harry can call me dull all he wants, but I'm much more keen than I appear. I thought back to Gracie, the blonde one I saw getting out of the car. I could tell she was the one, and thank god, literally, he chose her for Harry. Maybe she could help me out with helping the Fallen Boy back up. I noticed I was having a smug smile and smiled even wider just thinking about it.

        Harry's voice seemed annoyed. "What are you smiling about, Horan?"

        I turned to him giving him an innocent bat of my eyelashes. "Oh, nothing."

        He gave me a look that showed he didn't believe me, but that really didn't matter. Either way, he wasn't getting a word out of me about what we have in store of him. 

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