2nd - Introduction To -A

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The girls sat at a table outside Rosewood High. They stared at the table, not looking nor speaking to one another. The silence was soon broken by one of them.

"Can someone please explain to me what just happened?" She said in a harsh tone.

"I would, but I don't have any idea what that text was." Another one replied, not bothering to look up from the table.

"Do we tell anyone about it?" Paris questioned, meeting Marina's eyes.

Amanda joined the conversation, tired of hearing Paris and Marina talk. "Paris, this person is probably some dumb jock playing a prank on us."

Maia shot her head up, hearing Amanda. "But what if it's not?" She asked.

Alexa shook her head. "Manda's right, Maia. It's probably just a dumb joke."

Paris nodded slowly and looked back down to the table, twiddling her thumbs. She took a deep breath in and blew out. The girls glanced at her and rose their eyebrows.

"What? I'm just trying to calm down." Paris responded, getting a bit defensive.

They all returned to staring at the table, once again in complete silence. They refused to look at eachother, continuing to be completely shocked by the text they had all received slightly before.

The new Rosewood bitches are here, now I can finally have some fun. -A

A/N : Woo first chapter! It's really super short, but I'm writing the second one ASAP. Hope you all have an awesome night/day!

Kisses -L

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