CH 16

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It has been a month since that new year’s party and we have gotten a few texts or letters from the man stalking Tyler and I. there wasn’t anything big just the normal “you’re going to die” type things. Since then both Mal and Lex have started dating Josh and Kyle. I am really happy for them both.

I was sitting on the couch with Tyler when I heard a knock on the door. Since Tyler was half asleep I went to get it. We were supposed to meet up in a few days to discuss Tyler’s upcoming birthday in 11 days. As I opened the door Mal and Lex both pushed their way into my living room. I could tell that Mal was crying and I had no idea why but I had a slight idea. I just hope I was wrong.

“Mal, what’s wrong?”

“China I-I-I… there is a possibility that I am pregnant.”

“Whose is it if you are?”

“The only person I have had sex with within the past year is Josh. That was at the New Year’s party. We weren’t meaning to do it then but we were both pretty wasted and it kind of happened. What is he going to think?”

This had gotten Tyler’s attention, “Well since he is my best friend I know that he really likes you and I think that he will help you raise this baby, if you are pregnant.”

“That makes me feel a little better.”

“Lex and Mal you come with me and we will go to the drugstore down the street and get a test and Tyler can we have a few hours alone. I will call you but don’t say anything to Josh yet because we aren’t completely sure.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and we all got up to leave. On the way to the drugstore I started to wonder why Tyler and I haven’t had sex yet. Since we are really together now it surprises me that the furthest we have ever gone is a heave make out and that’s it.

Once we arrive I tell the girls to wait in the car because Mal has started to cry again and I run in and grab a digital test. Since it has been a month the results should be pretty clear.

When we got back to the apartment Mal went to take the test. We had to wait fifteen minutes for the results so we decided to turn on Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta while we wait. Too soon though the buzzer for the test goes off and we all hold hands as we look at the test together. As soon as we do Mal lets out a sob. She is going to be a mother and Josh a father. We all hug her.

“Mal you know that we will be here for you every step of the way. I am sure that Josh will too once he gets past the initial shock. Do you want me to call Tyler and have he and the guys to come over so you can tell him? You can go in my guest room to have privacy and we will all be here when you get out we can talk to both of you if you need it.”

“Yes that would be amazing. I am so glad to have friends like you all. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.” At this we all started crying so I texted Tyler telling him to bring the guys over we all have to talk.

In about thirty minutes all the boys arrive and Mal takes Josh into the guest room to talk to him.

Mallory’s POV

“Josh there is something I have to tell you. Do you remember the party and how we ended up having sex?” he just nodded, “Well we weren’t as careful as we thought and Josh I’m pregnant and it’s yours. You’re going to be a dad. I hope that we can raise it together and I really like you.”

He just looked at me blankly and then all of a sudden a large grin broke out on his face. He looked at me, “Mal I know that I am in love with you. Since the moment I met you I figured you were the one. I didn’t want to have a child until we were married and together for a little while but who cares I was never one to follow norms so screw the world. I wouldn’t think of letting you raise our child by yourself. I will be there through everything I would like you for to move in with me. Don’t worry about Lex because I have a feeling Kyle will take care of that. He has fallen for her and we both decided we don’t care what we have to put up with we love you both and neither of us are letting you go.”

“Josh I love you too. And of course I will move in with you.”

With this being said we walked out of the room hand in hand.

China’s POV

I was happy when I saw them both walk out holding hands with huge smiles on their faces.

“SO?” I probed.

“Well Josh and I have talked and we are going to raise our baby together also I have decided to move in with him.” By now all of us girls were squealing and the guys were laughing at our happy dances.

“Wait what about me?” Lex asked.

“Well Lex I was hoping you would move in with me.” Kyle said to her. She didn’t even reply she just jumped on him and kissed him deeply.

“Get a room!” Tyler yelled as we all laughed. They pulled away and Lex was blushing.

“Oh we will later. Isn’t that right babe?” Kyle looked towards Lex and she blushed harder.

 I was happy that for now we are all happy and together. I have a feeling within the upcoming moths things are going to go wrong. All we can hope for is that we all make it out alive and together.

New chapter i am happy about it. I love this story but i am getting bored of it so i am hoping to end it soon so a lot will be happening in the next chapters.  

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