CH 15

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Soon the party was in full swing and drinks were flying. Midnight was getting closer and closer. We had about an hour left. All was going good and I was hanging out with Mal and Lex dancing together until I felt a tape on my arm. At first I turned around smiling but soon I realized who it was and my smile turned to a sneer.

“Well hello Emerald. Aren’t you supposed to be working your corner tonight?” I asked sweetly.

“Oh look the whore has jokes.”

“The stripper is here!” I yelled, “Too bad I don’t have change for a penny. Maybe you could keep the rest for the tip.” By now we had the attention of those around us. Mal and Lex were watching with amused expressions. They know me and they know I won’t back down to a skank.

“Me a stripper? Well at least I can get guys.”

“With all that crap coming out of your mouth I am surprised you are not a toilet.” I looked at her and smirked. She was starting to get pissed.

“Well no one wants to sleep with you and never will.”

“How were you the sperm that won? There had to at least be one that was better.” By now her face was starting to turn red. On the inside I was laughing.

“You just wish you were me.”

“So I wish to be a cheap whore that has nothing better to do then try and insult my exs new fiancé and do a horrible job at it anyway. Sorry dear I think I am way better than that.” I said as I winked at her. I knew she was getting close to her breaking point.

“You are nothing but a skank and always will be. That’s why Brian left you.” I was fuming now too.

“Well whatever sluts he ended up with are better off than me. At least I now have a man bot some boy that only wants sex and gets it everywhere he goes. I am finally happy without. I should have dumped his but a long time ago.”

Now she was beyond pissed and I saw it a second before I felt it. She slapped me across the face and I am not going to lie spaghetti girl can put some power behind it.

“Oh hell to the no,” I said before pulling my fist back and punching her in the eye. At this Mal and Lex bursted out laughing. They know I can pack a mean punch when it is needed and always find it funny when I end up using it. When she was getting back up Mal and Lex came to stand behind me and Tyler came over and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Emerald I think it would be best if you left and didn’t come back.” He said.

“You are choosing that whore over me. She will never be able to give you what I can,” she was getting desperate now.

“That’s kind of the point. I don’t want any of the STDs you are locking away in that nasty vagina of yours.” I have to admit I was proud of him when he said this.

Josh came over and told us there was five minutes until the ball dropped so we went to where the TV was leaving a fuming Emerald who was running outside.

As the time got closer we started counting down.

“10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1” at this Tyler leaned over and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss that lasted only a few seconds. As we looked around it looked like Mal and Josh were starting to make out and Lex and Kyle were just pulling away from each other. I looked at Tyler and smirked.

As the New Year comes I can’t believe all that has happened this past year. From me finding out I have to marry Tyler and running away to actually falling for him. We are getting stalked by a man that wants us both dead and we are working on making a life together back home and in a few days we will leave Michigan and life will go back to normal. All we have to do is see what this New Year brings.

sorry it is kind of short but i havent been able to write much recently. I also have abouther book called the Princess and the Bad Boy if you want to check that out. some of the characters may have the same personalities because they are based off my best friends but have a good day :) 

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