I made an oops

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Okay so I got an interesting story to share but you guys have to  promise not to tell larry. If you guys do tell her there will be major consequences. The larry raptor will release her anger on me along with her raptor gang and probably tear me apart limb for limb. So heres my story: yesterday on a snow day my mom decided it would be a good idea to take my brother,her friend and her friends younger daughter, and I to an arcade like place right down the street. So there was this game there which was Jurassic Park themed(and this is what reminded me to post about this because my brother was watching one of these movies on tv) games where you shoot things that are trying to kill you and it seemed pretty cool, but I held off from playing it as I was trying to collect tickets to earn this really cool monster plush(didnt end up getting it i just saved my tickets to get the monster it was 850 and i only have 250). Eventually the younger daughter ended up playing this game and I watched for awhile amused as she did okay but ended up failing and spending a lot of money on the game. I soon decided to join in and play and a little afterwards she left interest and a little after that my brother joined in. I had fun playing it and it wasn't until afterwards that I realized what I had done. In some of the levels you had to shoot and kill raptors. I am so ashamed Dx I had to kill larry's siblings. This is why it must be a secret if she finds out my head will be mounted on a wall in her house. If larry raptor ends up reading this...im sorry ;~; rip larry siblings 2016-2016

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