My Babies

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Lavi POV

I watched my mate as he rubbed his extended stomach. He was so adorable when ever he did this. I know he loves the pups that are growing within him and we will take care of them to the best of our abilities.

"Lavi? Your watching me again!" Luca smiled from above me.

I hadnt noticed him climb onto my lap and here he was inches away from my face, smirking. "Your just too cute love."

He began to laugh. "Your funny Lavi. Im a fat hideous pig and soon enough you wont even want to touch me with a pole!"

"That isnt true." I looked him deep in the eyes. "Your pregnant! Not fat!"

He laughed again. "Im fat!"

I silenced him by kissing him. "Get a room!" Jr. yelled.

"No!" Luca laughed.

Jr. just shrugged and sat down next to us. I sighed as Luca readjusted his position on my lap so he wouldnt be straddling me. We sat there for the next hour talking with Jr. about the pups.

"What are you guys gonna name them?" Jr. asked us.

"We dont know. We dont know how many we are having or what gender they are." Lavi stated wrapping his arms around me.

"We dont wanna know either!" I added.

Lavi nodded at me.

"Dont you two only have like a month and a half left till they are born?" Jr. asked yet another question.

I sighed and nodded. I looked at Lavi. "Feed me please!" I whined.

He stood and walked to the kitchen to get me some food.

I leaned back and sighed, "do you really love him?" Jr. asked me seriously.

"Of course!"

"Just asking." He smirked and stood to leave. "If you need anything please ask."

I watched as Jr. left. He was always edgy but it was his personality. He was quite an awesome guy if you get to know him.

"I dont trust him Luca." Lavi said as he handed me a plate of food and a water.

"Be nice to him Lavi! He is technically my cousin since im adopted by this pack!" I growled at Lavi. "And anyways that is just his personality he is a good guy."

"Im still gonna be weary around him." He stated as he sat next to me.

"Ok but please! Play nice." I begged him.

"I will."


A month and 2 weeks later.

I sat around my stomach huge as i could bust any second. I went to stand but stopped when something wet ran down my leg.

"Lavi!" I cried. "The pups are coming."

Instantly the whole pack was helping me to the infirmary.

Kate smiled at me. "Hun, you need to change into your wolf form please?"

I nodded and quickly changed into a brown russet wolf. I looked at Lavi as he held my paw and Kate was examining me.

"Ok ,Luca, i think your ready so Lavi i want you to count to three and on three Luca you need to push!" Kate stated while positioning herself.

We both nodded and Lavi began to count. "1.... 2....3...."

I pushed as hard as i could and whimpered when i heard a tiny little cry coming from Lavi's and i's pup.

"Its a boy!" Kate exclaimed.

We smiled at our pup as his cord was cut and he was cleaned off. After Kate finished she placed our pup next to me so he could nurse. Kate walked to the door and let the pack in, after i changed back into my human form and put on some pajamas. They all surrounded us and stared at our son.

"What is his name?" Oliver asked.

I looked up. "Oli." I began. "After his wonderful grandpappy."

Oliver hugged me gently. "I love you son."

"I love you too... dad." The pack stayed for awhile and everyone got the chance to hold Oli.

This is my perfect family and i wouldnt give it up for anything.

Hey there will be a sequal do not worry. My books are meant to be short and quick. Dont worry. The sequal will be up it will be called. Protecting My Pack i do believe. So wait for it!

My Mate And His Packजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें