"Hmm... I think you counted wrong." I said playing around with him. He dropped his smile and frowned thinking about it.

"You're right." He said. "I scored 15."

"I think it was more like 2 shots." He laughed.

"I have to go back to the team. See you after the game is over, and don't forget to cheer me on!" And just like that he left.

I got up to get a snack. I bought sour skittles and sat back down. As I looked up I saw Emily giving me a death look. I wasn't going to let her get to me so I returned it with a sweet innocent smile. She ignored me and walked to Drake - of course they would be friends. My smile fell. The game started again and just like Chris did before half-time, he scored another 10 shots. Wow. 20 kisses. OK. Calm down. It's not like I've never kissed a guy before! But this was different. It's Chris! This guy makes me feel things no other guy has made me feel. Not even my ex.

"Ready to go?" Chris asked with a smile. I nodded unable to find my voice - nervous about the kisses.

Just when we got to the parking lot, Emily strode on over and clung herself over Chris' neck. I felt this pang inside my stomach. I wanted to snatch her hands away from him, but I held myself back.

We're not in a relationship so it shouldn't matter. He's not my boyfriend.

"Hey baby!" She squealed while Chris was untying her arms off his neck. I felt like vomiting.


"I missed you!" She said and then looked my way. "Oh. I didn't see you there," She said with a fake Barbie smile. I rolled my eyes at her and started walking to the car leaving them behind. I didn't bother listening to a word she said after.

Shoot, maybe I should have asked for the keys, now I'm going to freeze my ass off out here. I leaned my back on the passenger door and took out my phone sending a text to Jess, telling her about Emily. I put my phone away and debated on whether I should look up or not. I took a peek; Chris was already walking away from Emily making his way to the car.

"Sorry about that," He said when he reached me.

"It's fine." I said taking my back off the car signaling for him to unlock the car. He didn't unlock it though, instead he walked over to me getting super close to me. I took a whiff of his cologne making every part of me melt. "Um-" I was cut off by his lips. I didn't have time to react because he pulled away right after I realized what was happening. My heart raced and I felt my body tingle from head to toes. I wanted to pull him back down and kiss him again for a longer amount of time.

"1 down, 19 more to go." He said with a smirk opening the door for me. I got in quietly, still effected by the sudden kiss.

But then anger started bubbling inside me. How dare he kiss me when he was just with the cheer-bitch!

"Don't worry; you have a week to get through all the kisses before the next game." Chris informed me, starting the car.

"Exactly. I'm supposed to give them to you, not the other way around."

"Caught you by surprise?" He asked with a grin.

"I don't like sloppy seconds." I muttered not intending for him to hear me. I scolded myself.

"What sloppy seconds?" He asked confused.

"Emily's." I said annoyed. What the hell am I doing!? He's going to think I'm a possessive, jealous girl now.

"I have nothing going on with Emily, she's in the past"

"Well you should tell her that." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're jealous."

"Me? Jealous? Of what?" Liar. A voice in my head said.

"She's honestly in the past. You don't have anything to be jealous about."

"Huge Ego." I said coughing out the words making him laugh.

"OK. Go ahead and be in denial." I smiled and looked out the window. I couldn't help but think about the kiss he gave me. The way his lips felt... soft, and warm, and perfect... those butterflies in my tummy came back making it feel like a zoo. "Thinking about that kiss?" He asked cockily.

"No." I said in a monotone voice avoiding eye contact so he couldn't see that I was lying.

"Sure. Don't worry you'll get plenty of more kisses." He stopped the car and put it in parking mode. "Do you want me to walk you in?" He asked.

"Um, sure. If you want."

"I want to." He responded making me grin.

We got off and walked silently until we got to my door. "Thanks for walking me."

"Not even going to invite me in? Ouch," He said putting a hand to his heart faking hurt. I laughed.

"Nope." I bit my lip.

"I should at least get a good bye kiss." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek on purpose to tease him, but as I pulled back he got hold of my waist and pulled me closer to him. He stared at me for a while before he put his lips on mine. This kiss wasn't the same as the first though, he didn't pull back and neither did I. It was all perfect and warm, I felt my knees weaken. I put both of my hands on his chest. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I granted him access. Our lips moved in one. His tongue danced with mine the whole time. My heart felt like it was on overdrive. Who knows how long we were making out for. When he pulled away he smiled and bent his forehead to mine. "I'll see you on Monday." He gave me a peck on the lips before he left. It took me a couple seconds to come back to reality.

"3 down, 17 more to go!" I yelled down the hallway smiling from ear to ear. He chuckled raising his fist in the air.


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Picture of Chris on the Side.

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