Holy crap, we need to catch up guys

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Hey everyone! I know I've been a little slacker recently in this book and you guys have a total right to be upset about it. 


Due to the fact that I am in a drawing class now, it gives me an excuse to catch up on requests as homework! *fist pump* So, with that said, I plan on catching up on all of the requests I've gotten for the past few months or so. Also, I will be posting some of my own stuff just to mix it up a little bit and so I don't get weighed down. Cool? 

The picture above in the heading is of my themed sketchbook cover. It's for my drawing class, but I decided to have a little bit of fan fun with it (if you get what I mean). Instead of the usual "nature" or "space" theme, I chose my theme to be this: 

Living Fictional Characters

If any of you have any cool ideas for it, I would gladly draw it! (I have to understand the reference and approve of it, though haha). 

So yeah. Get ready to be spammed with entries I've already done! 

Drawings!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora