Phil's cousin.

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Dan's POV
"Dan I have to ask you something.." Phil said walking into the kitchen where I was quietly eating cereal.
"Sure. What's up?" I asked.
"I just got off of the phone with my cousin Y/N.. she was just kicked out of her dorm by her best friend. She really needs a place to rest for tonight and I was wondering....." he said nervously.
"Sure." I said smiling at him.
"YES! thank you Dan. I promise she won't be a burden. I smiled once more as Phil pulled out his phone to tell Y/N the good news.

When she arrived later that day me and Phil greeted her with enormous hugs and they immediately started goofing off and I went upstairs to play video games. Twenty minutes later Y/N came in and sat down beside me. I had to admit she was probably the most beautiful girl I had ever met and I've had a crush on her for a while now.

Maybe I should tell her...

Or not. I mentally laughed at myself.

"Dan...?" Y/N asked.

"Yes?" I asked and then looked at her.
"Um. So I've known you for a- a while..." she stuttered nervously.

Do I make her nervouse? I chuckled and her face fell making realise I had literally laughed out loud.
"We have..." I looked into her beautiful E/C eyes. I somewhere got the guts to grab for her hand and when she didn't pull away I smiled.
"I..I l-like y-you.." she stuttered again.
"No need to be so nervous love.." I leaned in and brushed my lips softly against her and then muttered, "I like you too."

A.N I'm so sorry that was carp but it'll get better. This is my first story so bare with me here. I hope you like it. 😊😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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