Chapter 15

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Anna POV
Harry went to Dumbledores office and I went to look for Hermione I saw Ron "Ron!" I screamed he turned around "Anna?" he asked I nodded "Ginny's looking for you and have you seen Hermione" I asked "um no not since she was petrified"he said I nodded and went to look for her then I face palmed I have my ring I pressed the diamond it turned thick I chose Hermione "Hermione where are you" I said to the ring hoping she answered "Anna! thank goodness your ok come to the common room"she said "ok Mione" I said and ran to the common room "ANNA!"Hermione and Luce said and ran to me and tackled me in a hug "aww I missed you to" I said hugging them "wait Luce" I said "yeah where have you been staying in the summer " I said when I remember her dad was in Azkaban she looked down at the floor we gasped "Luce! your to young to live in the streets" Hermione said "we can ask our mom and dad if you can stay with us" I said Hermione gasped and nodded "really!"Luce said I nodded "your my cousin I love you its to dangerous to live in the streets" I said she smiled and hugged Hermione and I "oh Anna have you met your aunt petunia and Uncle Vernon" Hermione said I shook my head "uh no they look cruel remember last year" I said she nodded "you know there was a possibility I could have stayed with the Dursleys but I couldn't because I was already grown to just show up in the steps"Luce said I nodded in understanding "I heard Amila went to the hospital wing let's go ask Ron how she is"Hermione said We nodded and left the common room "Ron!"Hermione screamed he turned around "how's Amila"Luce asked "she is meeting me here she just got out"Ron said we nodded "so Ron does your mom know about her" I asked he shook his head and shrugged "I don't know I'm gonna ask her after the train ride back home"we nodded "I'm so excited wait but what if your parents say no" Luce asks "well I doubt it their to nice but if they do we will figure something out I promise" I said putting my hand on her shoulder "what's going on"Ron asked "um Anna and I are going to ask our parents if Luce can stay with us since she is homeless"I said he nodded confused "wait is that professor Lockhart" I said pointing to the man siting in down he nodded "Ron! Guys!" Amila said "Ron has Ginny found you yet" he shook his head "no I forgot" I got my ring pressed the diamond and found Ginny "Ginny where are you" I asked the ring "Anna looking for Ron" she said "I'm with Ron you know" I said "where is he" she said "um Lockhart's classroom" I said "ok stay there" she said "ok Ginny" I said and closed the ring "That's so cool"Amila said I nodded "Ron,the twins,Ginny, Harry, Hermione,Luce,and I has one then just then a spark came out my Locket and once it touch the floor it turned to a box we gasped I touched it scared "its for you Amila" is said handing to her she carefully took it "Anna did your locket do that" Luce asked I nodded Ginny gasped "that explains it" I looked confused "explains what" I said "ok before I was knocked out Tom aka Voldemort said the killing curse but it backfired but Tom moved out of the way" she said "you sure" I asked "not the backfire part but the rest I'm sure" she said "uh ok" i said "Anna where are you" Harry said through the ring "protective are we and I'm with Ron at Lockhart's classroom" I said and turned off the ring just then Snow came in she was going to hit me when I got down "woah slow down" I said she dropped the letter and left I gasped "who is it from"Hermione asked "it's from Mom and dad" I said "open it now" she said "ok" I said opening the letter
Dear Anna and Hermione,
get Hermione if she's not there anyway I want to say tell Harry we want to meet him not like last time you just told us his name
      Mom and Dad
I gave the letter to Hermione and she nodded then Harry came into the room and bumped into me making me fall in the ground "Harry Get Off Me!" I said trying to shove him off " it was an accident" he said "your heavy" I said getting up "and your light"Hermione muttered "no I'm not Hermione" I said "dad can carry you and he's not the youngest person" she said I gasped "he's not old Mione" I said "well he's in his Forty's"she said "but he's not eighty" I said she rolled her eyes "your not even daddy's girl and here you are defending him" she said "so I still love them the same" I said "tell Harry or I will" she said I rolled my eyes "Harry Hermione's and My parents want to meet you" I said he looked confused but nodded "so Anna and Hermione tell me how your parents are" Luce said "well their kind" I said shrugging "caring" Hermione said "protective" I said "fun" Hermione said "So Luce once Anna came home with super messy hair and when she got home our parents got out of that school" Hermione said "You don't need to say that" I said "what you just tripped Anna I know what happened ok you did NOT trip" she said I looked away "so Luce you know could just meet them and we will ask them and there" I said "if they say yes where would I stay" she asked "Anna's or mine or the guest room" Hermione said I nodded "just a quick warning no one ever goes in the guest room because in the morning it is super cold" I said "Anna gets the warm room"Hermione said I nodded "yep because since I have nightmares I get sweaty so i won't get super hot" I said "I get the hot room" Hermione said "but it's not that hot Mione" I said "try sleeping in it" she said "that's why you sleep in my room" I said she nodded "Anna!" she yelled "Mione I'm right hear don't yell" I said "I forgot you have classes this summer" she said I shook my head "I'm having them at home this summer" I said classes? what classes?" Harry asked "music class I have them every summer" i said Hermione nodded "our parents celebrated our birthday together and she sang in all of of them" Hermione said "except when I was 6" I said "what are you going to sing this year" Hermione asked "I don't know" I shrugged "you need to think Anna your the best singer I know" she said "besides your songs are always the best" she said and then started humming a song I sang on our last birthday "Mione shh" I said covering my ears she continued humming "easier to lie" she sang and started humming "fine ok Mione I will sing" I said "yay" she said hugging me "even if we don't have a party you owe me a song as my present" she said I giggled "ok Mione" i said "we should pack we are leaving the day after tomorrow" Luce said we nodded and left while Ron to Lockhart to Dumbledore we were walking when Hermione started singing "Blow the candles blow,Blow,BLOW with all your might cause it your Birthday" she said "you still remember that" I said she nodded "Hermione I was 7 it was years ago" I said she shook her head "a few years ago" she said I rolled my eyes when we got to our dorm I packed everything and got my iPod and searched songs when I found the perfect one

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