Chapter8-Dreams and Mila's POV

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Anna Dreams
I have been having dreams in the past few days no one knows about it all of Em start in a dark room and all you hear is Someone shouting Join me and then the person says no and then all you hear are screams and then the voice says Hello Ginny and then that person screams GINNY and then The evil person says join me and then the person screams NO that he puts the spell and that person Blacked out and that's when I wake up
Amila's POV
I never had a sibling before or a family I only have been in an Orphanage my entire life i love having a twin but Ron is to Protective I talked to Ginny and she agreed but she enjoyed having a sister and The twins they really don't care but at least there not protective like Ron that's why I like them we have done a few pranks I feel bad for Anna because Harry spends to much time with Ron and soon will be super Protective of her I share a dorm with her,Luce,and Hermione and every night she whimpers I don't tell Harry because he will become to worried of her I have been trying to help her but she says she's ok "Mila!" Ron called I turned around "yeah Ron" I said "have you seen Anna Harry can't find her" he asks "wait here I will check in the dorm" I said they nodded I walked to the doom she was sitting in her bed hugging her knees and hiding her face in her knees I touched her shoulder she looked up and wiped her tears "yeah" she said "Harrys looking for you" I told her "tell him I will meet him in the common room" she said I nodded

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