Chapter Fifteen

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The bright sunlight of the early morning reflected off of the turquoise water of Lake Champlain. A vague silhouette of jagged mountaintops lined the backdrop of the immaculate view. The only audible sounds came from birds chirping and the water swaying. From the second story balcony of her new home, Lana peered down into her flawless new backyard, soaking in all the beauty. It was the same sight she had seen for six months now, but she still stopped to admire and appreciate it every morning.

That was how she lived her life now. Appreciating every little aspect, admiring every speck of beauty, acknowledging every blessing. She lived life slowly, not wanting to rush too fast and miss any part of it.

She pictured Elliot down by the lake, imagining him throwing a tennis ball or stick to play fetch with a dog they rescued, or fishing off the rocky shore with one of his kids. She thought about him often – missing him but hoping he was doing better without her.

After she had served her sentence and completed rehab, she felt like a whole new person. She was proud of herself. She had accomplished something. But on the day she was released from jail, she went home to her large empty apartment, which held memories that would haunt her and drive her back to the point of chaotic insanity. She was no longer a vacant soul without a purpose. Now, she had drive and ambition, and she wanted to keep her life on that track.

Without hesitation, she put her apartment up for sale, packed up only what was necessary, and moved upstate to a gorgeous lake house overlooking Lake Champlain on acres of property. She sold everything she wasn't taking with her and left the profits on Elliot's doorstep, turning the bad past into a good future – for his children at least.

During the first week of her new life, she enrolled in nursing school at Plattsburg State University and took a paid internship at a children's hospital across the lake in Vermont, which she rode the ferry to. It was difficult getting on her feet and learning the ropes of the real world, and at times, she still struggled with having adult responsibilities, but she made a few friends between school and work who helped her out greatly when she didn't know what to do next in her adulthood.

Between school and her job, she stayed busy, which helped patch the missing hole in her heart, or at least covered it up temporarily. However, it was still there. And she knew exactly why.

She was still madly in love with Elliot Stabler. At first, she fought it. She tried to push him out of her mind constantly. But he crept back in every time, so she caved. She accepted the fact that she still loved him, but she knew she had to move on. She knew he was better off without her distracting him from things like his wife and children and job.

Unexpectedly, Lana heard the doorbell ring. She sauntered back inside and downstairs, assuming she'd see a neighbor (though she didn't have any for miles on either side) or maybe a friend from school or work (though she didn't think anyone knew specifically where she lived).

Her heart stopped beating and she came to an immediate halt when she saw Elliot Stabler through the window of her door. It was dark in the living room, and she could tell he couldn't see her as he looked around nervously. He looked different yet completely the same. His soft grey fitted long-sleeve shirt clung to his chest – his toned pectorals quite apparent under the fabric. His sleeves were pulled up, as usual, revealing his tan skin and chiseled arms. His hair was short, recently buzzed, and his grey-green eyes popped from the sunlight.

The wind was knocked out of her, and suddenly, Lana didn't know where she was. She didn't know what day it was, or what time it was, or why she was standing on a staircase, staring at Elliot though a door. It was as if she blacked out, taking a full ten seconds to regain awareness and consciousness.

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