I Thought We Were Good

Start from the beginning

Impulsivity. Strikes again!

Her grip on the steering wheel tightened as she made her way down the street his building was on, feeling relieved when she spotted his silver truck in the parking lot.

It really would have sucked if he wasn't home, she didn't think she'd be able to make the drive back to her place and the idea of sleeping in her car wasn't appealing.

There was no turning back now, was this the right move?

She pounded on the door wishing she had a key. She knew how hard it was to wake him up, he'd sleep through an earthquake.

The sound startled him, he cursed whoever it was. He'd was in the midst of a dream and he didn't want to wake up. It was a very good dream, Kim the focal point.

He groaned and adjusted his sweats his current state of arousal frustrated him yet again he'd need a cold shower once he dealt with whomever it was pounding on his door.

Suddenly he felt sick, he wasn't sure if his father was working or not and he was terrified that he was about to receive terrible news. That he was about to be noticed that his father was killed, his heart in his throat.

It was just 4:20 in the morning.

Nothing good arrived on your doorstep at the time of the morning.

He took a deep breath and slowly pulled the door open.

Shocked to find Kim on the other side.

He exhaled in relief, the panic must have been evident on his face.

"I scared you?" Kim asked, she was nervously wringing her hands together, the corner of her bottom lip rugged between her teeth, "...sorry"

Adam sighed, "Thought it was about my dad" he tried to calm his racing heart, "what're you doing here? You shouldn't have come"

"Oh?" This was a mistake, she wanted to cry.

The look on her face broke him, that wasn't what he meant, "No, I mean....the snow. You shouldn't be driving in it....you're not the best driver on a good day" he teased, a lopsided grin filled his face, he couldn't get the images from his dream out of his head. Not while she stood outside his door, he wanted her.

He needed her.

She looked around the deserted hallway, "Can I....can I come in?"

He laughed nervously, and backed away from the door, "Uh, yea. Come on in" he was mortified, the apartment was a disaster.

He had empty pizza boxes, and various other take out boxes strewn throughout the small apartment. His laundry overfilled the hamper and had spread through the living room.

"It's a mess, I'm sorry" he told her, the state of the apartment mirrored his own current state of well being, "haven't done much cleaning...much of anything for that matter"

She found a spot on the couch free from his dirty laundry and sat down, an awkward silence filled the room.

The pair avoiding the other's eyes, when it became too much to bare Adam spoke, "Kim, what did I do? Cause, I thought we were good.."

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