"Are you done thinking about my handsomeness or do you still need time?" Benny whispered into her ear once they made it to her house.

Anna playfully pushed him and got up to her feet to see Ethan and Sarah both had looks on their faces that expressed sympathy - especially Sarah who almost killed her on that night. Anna felt her whole body shake and it wasn't because of the chilling breeze passing them all by, but because she was scared. Scared? Of Sarah? She couldn't seem to move her legs to greet her or Ethan that they all stood in silence for her to say something.

"Hey, er, you two come inside first. There are some snacks on the table if you want any and drinks too. Welcome to the Siva house." Anna muttered to them.

Ethan and Sarah stared at her with a confused faces until they were making their way towards her door. They knew that she was still nervous, but they wished that she wasn't so afraid of them. They wouldn't want too many awkward silences or grudges between them and Anna.

The still shaking girl was going to make her way to follow the two whispering friends til a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into a kiss. Anna's heart began pounding against her chest by the unexpected kiss and felt the need to break away from it to see what Ethan and Sarah were doing, but she liked this - a lot. Her nose tickled at the smell of Benny's weird "man perfume" that he bought to make him smell nice for some wild nights, so she closed her eyes to imagine the so called nights Benny would need that perfume for. Anna's hands gripped Benny's striped black and white collar shirt and quickly opened her eyes. She slowly pulled away and met Benny's brown eyes and tugged a smile for him. She stroked his hair as his cheeks began turning red hot.

"Sorry, if it was too intense for you. Benny Weir just likes to go wild," Benny mumbled with a large cheeky grin.

"Let's just go inside, B - my Han Solo." Anna corrected herself to her boyfriend's amused expression.

"Much better." Benny said and wrapped his arm around Anna as the two made their way towards the front door.

When the two opened the door Ethan and Sarah were sitting on the living sofa clearly discussing something important and secretive since the two stopped once Anna and Benny entered the house. They both gave them small waves and the room went back to be silent.

Anna made herself comfy and sat on her grandmother's rocking chair, putting her feet on top of the table with the food in the middle and crossed her arms. "Do you two want to explain something or just sit here in silence?"

Sarah didn't hesitate to respond. "I'm a vampire. . ."

"I know that since I saw you as one as you tried to kill me."

"You know I didn't mean to, Anna. I swear it's just I was so hungry and the rat was good, but as I was about to finish it you interrupted me and I thought you were some random person so I was going to eat you, but then when you fainted and I saw who you were I ran off. I know you hate me, Anna. I'm sorry."

Anna huffed. "I don't hate you, Sarah. I just hate that this was kept from me."

"You should be mad at Benny than." Ethan piped up from his silence.

Benny came into the living room with potato chips in his hands and began putting more than one in his mouth. "Any of you want some?"

Everyone shook their heads no and Benny continued crunching and putting many savory chips into his mouth.

"I know I should, but he was trying to protect me. I guess I forgive him."

"Did he tell you about his - ow!" Ethan yelled when one of Anna's aunt's pillows her thrown across the room straight to his face.

"Hey, Ethan, buddy, remember that we're the Frog's brothers and we stick together while also being very attractive - anyway, this thing of mine is a no, okay?" Benny said while angrily putting a potato chip in his mouth.

Anna surely didn't know about what they were talking about and clearly she was very interested in knowing about it. Was he hiding something else from her again?

"What's this thing, Benny?" Anna asked with a glare. She didn't like the idea of her boyfriend or someone close to her lying even if it was a deadly secret Anna didn't like being lied to.

Benny stayed silent and weirdly stared at his potato shape.

Anna turned to Ethan and asked him the same question, but he stayed quiet too. She wanted to ask Sarah, but she knew that she wouldn't tell her like the rest of them. Besides, she didn't want her interrogating them all this whole time until Sarah gets her hands on her to stop her from questioning them further.

Anna sighed and said, "Fine, no one tell me. I guess I'm just too 'weak' to know this or none of you can trust me. I just want to be a part of this trio too, you know? What makes me seem so weak or suspicious that makes you all not tell me this?"


Anna stood up and made her way to Benny who was leaning against the wall. "You know how much you mean to me and I know how much I mean to you, but keeping secrets. . . when did that become a thing all of a sudden? I don't like these things hidden between us, Benny."

Benny put his hands on her shoulder to comfort his girlfriend and replied, "Anna, I just want you to get away from getting hurt and this secret of mine. . . I'm just scared that you'll stop loving me for it. I don't feel comfortable sharing it with others."

"It's funny how you seem me as one of those 'others.' If you can't tell me anything or your friends can't either than all of you just leave. Take the potato chips with you too. . . I don't like being reminded of someone who loves telling me lies."

"I don't -"

Anna swatted his hands off her shoulder and was running upstairs to her room with Benny behind her yelling sorry and to clarify on what she said. Once she finally made it to her room, Anna shut the door quickly and locked it. She didn't want him coming any closer. Tears were sliding down her cheeks, but Anna quickly wiped them of - or tried to since more kept on coming.

"Anna! Come on! I'm sorry! Can you please come out so we can talk this out!" Benny shouted while banging the door loudly.

Anna sighed and shouted back, "Stop banging the goddamn door I'm getting a headache!"

Benny obeyed and leaned his head against her door. He hated this; he didn't like that Anna was angry at him because of his powers. He wanted to tell her when they met for the first time, but just telling her would make her skeptical and think it was some silly joke. Showing her would scare her away, and Benny couldn't risk letting that happen.

"Are you mad at me? Look, I don't like being away from you or you wanting to possibly blow my brains out, but if you want to know I'll show you, okay? I'll show you my secret."

Anna sighed. "Promise to never keep anymore secrets and to always tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"I promise."

Anna opened the door to Benny almost falling on her floor and stared to the ground and closed it shut again once she was out. She wanted to look at Benny, but she just couldn't even let herself look him in the eye. She wanted to hug him and tell him sorry, but all she could do is look to the floor and let the room fill them with silence. She wiped her cheeks with her flannel one last time to just make sure he didn't see that she was crying, but hiding it wouldn't change anything since Benny knew that she was. Her blue eyes would turn like the ocean waves running along from anything that she despised to be doing now; any right now looking in him in the eye was one of them.

Benny put his hand on her chin and raised her head to make her sweet, brown eyes meet his and repeated once again to make sure that she heard correctly. "I promise."


author's note: i haven't updated this in a while sorry! school and projects are taking over so i won't have as much time to write. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! i feel like a long chapter will be coming up next!

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