Awkward Encounters

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Maybe life is out to get me. Sure as hell seems that way.

All I wanted was to buy some Coco pops and a bit of food so I don't starve to death.

I came to the store with high hopes of getting in and out. So much for that.

As soon as I Make it to the cereal isle, about to pick up my beloved pops, I see him.

"For fucks sake!" I mumble to myself. "Just want some fucking cereal.I s that too much to ask."

I think I might have gotten just a bit caught up in my thoughts because I'm soon greeted with the presence of Jack- er whatever his real name is.

"Um Hey." The lanky boy scratches the back of his neck. "You were here yesterday, right?"

"Yeah."I think I'll die before I get over the richness of his voice.

"Well,um, m' name's Harry. I was the one uh, sniffing fruit."

Out of all the things, he chooses to remember that. Come to think of it,actually, I didn't really say much to him yesterday.

"Yeah, mine's Louis." I respond trying not to stare too long at his perfect fucking lips."So..?"

"Oh,"He chuckles. His fucking laugh! I think I'm dead. "I was wondering,If you's maybe want to go on a date with me?" Am I dreaming? Shit,am I breathing. Who the hell would want to date me?

I turn to look behind me but no one is there so I guess he HAD to have been talking to me.

"Where would we be going, curly?" I try to be a bit cool by leaning against the shelves beside me but only end up knocking over a few boxes of cereal. Fuck. I pick up the boxes as quickly as I could and avoid looking at Harry in embarrassment. So much for cool. Good job,Louis. You're doing a fine job.

"Well."He starts, clearly trying to ignore what just happened even though I can see the smirk on his face. "I know this nice bakery if you're up for it?"

Who the hell takes someone to a bakery as a first date? Then again he does sniff bananas. Maybe it'll be nice? With my luck I'll mess something up though.

"What do you say?" I can see the hope in his eyes and I couldn't say no even If I wanted to. He was right fit and actually pretty adorable even if I won't admit it out loud.

"Yeah.I'll go." His eyes might have lit up the whole entire store right then.

"Great!Um, tomorrow sound good? Lunch maybe?"

"Yeah lunch is great. Let me give you my number for, you know,communication and what not."

After exchanging number, Harry and I talked for a bit, and maybe flirted,before parting ways. As Harry turned to leave the isle, he ran into an old lady with her trolley. I tried my best to stifle a laugh as he apologized to the lady, face blushed red. He looked back up to me and I bit my lip with a smile.

"Nice meeting you, Louis." He yelled before disappearing around the corner.

After paying for my things, I sat in my car for a bit going over what just happened. I feel like a teenage girl all giddy over a date. To be honest, I haven't had a date in quite some time. Liam has been bugging me to go out or a bit and get laid but although I put u this front, I'm kind of looking for love. As dumb as it sounds, I believe in soul mates and I doubt I'll find one through a random hookup.Maybe he could be the one. It sounds crazy but I' not. I'm not in love with the guy or anything, I've only just met him, but you ever know. Palm my face, trying to get this stupid smile off my face and those green eyes out of my mind but both remain as I drive back home.

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