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Next morning, Doug arose from his peaceful sleep quickly, apprehensive of what Ste's mood would be like the next morning, he had been drunk, right? Or maybe he was just messing around. Hm. He looked up to see him looking exactly the same as every day; perfect.

Doug gently nudged their noses together in an attempt to wake the other up. It failed, he should of learned from him failing to get him up for the deli- many a time!! Instead, he took this moment to appreciate where he was, inhaling Ste's musky smell, comforting, heavenly. He had tight, strong arms around him, inviting him into a loving embrace. He never thought he'd be in this position again. Ste was just. Ugh, the most, wonderful person he could of ever met, he was so perfect for Doug, and he wished it could of just worked out for them. But hey, that's life right?

"What are you thinking about, eh?" Ste suddenly chirped up through the silence which made Doug jump slightly.

"Oh, just...life." He exhaled, looking up at the male who didn't seem to move from where he was, which was a good sign. His voice was husky, sexy, homely.

"You think too much, you do. I just go everyday without thinking about 'owt." Ste murmured.

Doug shrugged it off, wanting to get to the point of where this was going.

"Ste, were you...drunk, last night? Do you remember anything?" He asked nervously.

Ste grinned. "Of course I remember, and no. I wasn't drunk, I oni 'ad one drink!"

Doug took a deep breath. "And, do you remember what you said to me? After- the uh. Sex.."

He nodded, still grinning. "You mean when I said I love you?"

Doug nodded silently.

"Well, yeah. I do. I wasn't just lying for the sake of it yanno."

Doug smiled widely, daring to quickly peck Ste on the lips.

"I love you too. Well, I never stopped.." He admitted, it was true, he hadn't, he just kept on waiting.

"I know." Ste just replied, sighing gently.

"We best order in some breakfast, I'm starving!" Doug exclaimed, not wanting to pressure the situation there were in too much, it was comfortable for now. Nice.

"Pizza." Ste said bluntly, sitting up.

Doug spluttered; "Pizza, what?! Ste C'mon who has pizza for breakfast huh..?"

"Urm well Italians do don't they?" He said confused.

Doug burst into laughed. "Oh gawsh, Ste, you're really not the brightest of people are you? Anyway. Pizza it is! If Beyonce can do whatever the hell she wants then, so can I!" He said triumphantly.

"Urm no I think this would be more of a Britney Spears thing." He raised an eyebrow.

"It was just a statement, Ste. Hey, hey watch this." He coughed as he picked up the room service phone.

"Hello room service?"

"Uh, yeah hi, I'd like to order a pizza please for the grande suite."

"Pizza? Okay sir what kind?"

Doug stifled his laughter. "Cum-filled please."

Ste gasped and buried his head into the pillow howling with laughter.

The poor room service didn't know where to put himself.

"Sorry sir we don't have that flavour.."

"Oh, shame, just a plain one then please and my boyfriend can make the topping." He finished and put the phone down.

"Doug!" Ste slapped his arm gently. "That was well wrong!" He said whilst laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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