Black Fantasies.

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Doug was wrong. All wrong. In the wrong place. In the wrong bed. In the wrong arms, of the wrong person. The person of whom he was with right now, had a kind soul, and a loving embrace. But it was wrong, all just wrong. It wasn't where he wanted to be, where he belonged. Though the place where he belonged; was gone. Not literally gone as in forever, just on vacation, and Doug didn't know when he was due back.

Doug looked up at the man of whom's bed he was in; John-Paul McQueen. How did he even end up in this situation? Sure, it was a crush, but nothing compared to what he felt for a certain someone. Nah, that had fazed out a long time ago, right? Ste had left him for Brendan, right? But now Brendan was gone, Ste still hadn't thawed and gave into Doug's cheeky accent or his deep blue eyes.

One day, maybe. Hopefully.

Doug felt the bigger man roll over, and he sensed this as his escape, jumping from the bed and dressing quickly, he felt like he was leaving a one night stand. Though this time there were emotional feelings involved. But only from 1/2 of them, and it wasn't Doug. He 'really liked' JP, or so he kept telling himself.

He slipped downstairs, edging away from the damp and stale walls of the staircase, gulping down his shudders, he wasn't a man of extreme high priority when in came to living, but this house needed a seriously good clean. A whole re-vamp even. He grabbed his coat, and head outside, walking pretty swiftly as to not be seen.

As Doug walked through the village, he blinked slowly, realising he had high lack of sleep and was in no fit state to run the deli, it could wait until tomorrow, stuff lost profits he honestly didn't care. Then, he spotted a taxi parking up on the curb in Hollyoaks, Doug squinted to try and see whom was in it, he failed as the sun was shining brightly down onto the window. He kicked some dirt and sighed, turning around and stopping sticking his nose in, walking away.

''Ow much?! Eyar right It wa'nt that far just to drive meh from the airport!''

Doug heard the voice ripple through him, like a few electric bolts, one at a time. Ste. He kept walking onwards but the curiosity killed him. Just one look....He said to himself and spun back around, spotting Ste. Wow. He looked dramatically different.

His hair was quiffed up as usual, but some of his fringe has tousled sexily over his face, his lips forming a small sassy pout, hand on his hip as he quarreled with the driver. He wore a thin black leather jacket and tight jeans, showing off his perfect arse. Oh, this was too much for Doug, this makeover Ste had was having such an effect on him, that his pants tightened quickly, causing him to whimper in the open. No, he could talk to Ste some other time, for now he just wanted to hide. Shit! He's heading this way. He though to himself, emotions and horniness bolting through him as he ran all the way back to his flat, slamming the door.

''Hello?! Anyone?!'' He shouted, checking if anyone was in. Nobody. Perfect. Smirking, he leaned against the counter and began to fondle his hard member through his jeans, not being as turned on in a while, and this was just by the sheer sight of his ex lover. He had many a wet dream, but nothing like this. He looked simply divine. He couldn't take it anymore, he unzipped his fly and took out his raging cock, giving it a few strokes before just going for it, wanking himself off harshly to the image of Mr Hay still in his mind, he closed his eyes and let out a few ragged pants, moaning gently as he grasped the counter, the familiar sensations swirling around and building up in the pit of his stomach. ''Ste, oh gosh, harder...'' He whimpered to himself, creating a false image of them having rough sex in his head, and it seemed to work as he repeatedly moaned his husband's name over and over again, until he found himself shooting his hot load all over his hand, crying out and shuddering. Thank god nobody had come in.

Feeling a little relieved, he cleaned himself off and blushed at the sight of what he just did, though fuck it, he needed that. He didn't need to be so tight all the time did he? Tight for Ste maybe. Oh damn, what was wrong with him? Except, it wasn't wrong, everything was right. Ste was back, and he was going to try his best to get him into bed at least one more time.

Reaching out for his phone once he was placed on the sofa, he dialled Ste's number and chewed his lip coyly, waiting for an answer.

''Iyur, Doug?'' Answered a pretty quiet voice, for a change.

''Ste.'' Doug paused, coughing to make sure the crankiness had gone from his voice. ''I saw you're back. I only didn't come over because, well, uh. I was going to John Paul's..'' He lied, thickly.

''Right. Um, did ya ring for a reason then?'' The other asked, while sounding like he switched on the shower.

Oh great, now Doug was having more mental images of him, wet, soapy, gorgeous...Stop! He hit his own head stupidly. ''Yeah, maybe I could come round later, or you come here, I think we need to chat huh?''

''Yeah sure whatever, I'm in all night.'' He sounded like he was taking his clothes off.

Doug swallowed. ''Great!'' He chirped, smiling to himself. ''See you then?''

''Sure, later Doug.'' He replied a last time and hung up.

Doug could get ready in a minute, but that image of Ste had got to him, dammit, he just smirked to himself and reached to unzip his pants once more..

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