The Cat-Enigma

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 As I got closer I could faintly make out the outline of a man that looked at least a foot taller than me. I smelled the same wood scent as I had earlier.

 "Hey? Who the hell are you are why have you been following me? Just tell me the truth and hurry up I'm really tired..." I added the last part silently.

 I was that close I could see he was dressed in a navy suit and had a tattoo across his left cheek. Short styled hair was combed to the side and despite his tat, he looked smart and neat. He stepped forward, closer to me and began to speak:

 "Please don't be alarmed, but you must come with me," His voice was soft, brown eyes matching the tone of his voice.

 "Why the hell should I?"

 "You're in danger. Some people, they want to take you. Take you hostage."

"Yeah ok. Just let me pack up my life and leave with you yeah, that sounds sane."

"Don't be an ass about this Fable I can explain but I will have to do it when you're safe."

"How... How do you know my name?"

 "Fable I have been watching over you for some time now, I've had too. You only noticed today because your powers.. No powers sounds wrong," He muttered " Your true you came through. As I have said I can explain but this situation is hardly ideal."

 "I, You. How can I just leave? My life might not be much but how can just pack up and abandon it? For one you aren't even making any sense and I don't want to leave with a stranger that could end up raping me or christ knows what," I was making sense, he wasn't. Powers? True me? Yeah that made no sense.

"Why can't you trust me Fable? I would never hurt you... You are 1/6 of my life purpose," Ok, this was weird. What's weirder was I almost, kinda trusted him. With those big brown eyes and persuading voice I really wanted to but I had to know one thing before I made up my mind.

"Why 1/6? What happened to the other 6? Also does this have something to do with my math work cause if so that's damned annoying 'cause I could be held back a year because of you."

"There are 6 of you. You are 1 of them. If you come with me you'll know exactly what I mean but you have to trust me, and yes the coming of time means you will get easily distracted and other aspects of this will affect you," Easily distracted... well I have the scar to prove that.

"Where will you take me?"

"I can't tell you here it's not safe. Please trust me we need to go now."

Damn those brown eyes.

"Fine, just let me get my things."


I opened the door slowly and was greeted by a creaked groan as the hinges reminded me they needed oiling. I couldn't hear anyone in the house but that didn't mean mom wasn't upstairs asleep.

I told the man whose name I learned was Jonathan, just Jonathan no surname Jonathan, to wait outside as I trudged through my cold house, picking up anything that could possibly serve a purpose later; when I went wherever I was going.

 So far I had collected an old cargo jacket that hung up; in case I got cold, cheap knockoff converses and a pair of black star earrings I got from my dad.

 My dad who had decided he was too good for this life-a child and wife, a loving family. My dad who had left when I was five and all he left behind where these earrings, which I couldn't even wear when I was five because who has their ears pierced at five? I had to wait four years. Still they where sentimental, even if it was dads fault in mothers addiction to booze.

 Moving on I decided it was finally time to face the music. If the music was an unsympathetically messed up woman then yeah, she was what I had to face. Leaving my belongings at the bottom of the stairs I walked up two steps before turning around and gesturing to Jonathan the universally known 'one second' signal.

 He nodded, turned and scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly. I got a clearer view of his tattoo and I made  a mental note to ask him about it later.

 I reached the top of the stairs and hesitantly peeked down the hall. Mom wasn't up, thank god, or maybe she was just at work. Either way I went to my room and found the duffel I kept under my bed. Since dad stopped sending us money for the rent a month ago I was prepared to move again, keeping everything necessary at hand. I grabbed the bag along with a spy book I was currently reading and scampered back downstairs again, stopping at the door to shove the rest of my things inside the duffel.

 "Let's go," I said to the man that was still a stranger to me.

 I felt strangely attached to the shitty house I grew up in for all my 17 years. But as I got further away I was pleased to leave the place that made me so miserable.

"Ok. Just wait a sec," I hesitated. A few minutes ago I had to leave this place fast and here he was telling me to hang around longer. Whatever.


"I don't want you to get freaked out by all this-"

"Oh except for the part where you have been my stalker-for-life."

"Fable please. It's obviously going to freak you out but I just want you to know, there are others like you. Well not exactly like you," He began to scratch his neck again, a habit he must have developed over the years "But just be more aware of what's happening here."


"Ah forget it. I'm trying to have a heart to heart moment here but just forget it."

"Hmm." Jonathan looked at me once more with those big brown eyes before leading me to where I supposed his car was. I liked the guy though he was strange sometimes.


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