Agreeing that we were able to stomach food by early evening, I prepared another of the few meals I was skilled at -- chicken Caesar salad. Having made a fresh loaf of bread the day before, Sara sliced it up and added garlic butter, popping the slices into the oven. Once we finished eating and cleaning the kitchen, I grabbed my car keys, jiggling them while I smiled.

"We aren't going to jump from a plane now, are we?" she asked, carefully folding a dishtowel.

I snickered. "Nope. What we're going to do might involve a tad bit of fear, but your feet get to remain on the ground."

23. Sing karaoke

Choosing the karaoke bar because it had an average 4.8 out of 5 star rating online, it seemed near capacity as we awaited our turn to perform a duet. With it being a Friday night, they were giving away prizes to the top three in both solo and duet performances, which would be selected based on how much the audience clapped. First place prize was a $50 gift card to be spent at that karaoke bar, those in second place a $25 gift card, while third place winners received a baseball cap and T-shirt designed by the establishment and advertising it.

Sara appeared more relaxed as she sipped her second refill of light beer. Spotting 'our' song on the duet karaoke list and taking its appearance as a sign, we performed Just A Kiss, both grinning up finishing when the crowd erupted with cheers and whistles, a few people even standing. Although we weren't terrible, neither of us carried that well of a tune, so we figured a lot of that enthusiasm had to do with us being two women gazing into each other's eyes while singing a romantic song.

When we left, the broadest smiles were on our faces as we carried our T-shirts and baseball caps. Putting my cap on backwards, and blushing when Sara commented that it looked cute placed in that direction, I drove us to our final destination for the evening.

24. Visit adult store

When we pulled into the parking lot of the adult version of Toys "R" Us, my passenger chuckled. Once we parked near the entrance, she unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Never know what you have up your sleeve, Hales. Bungee jumping followed by karaoke followed by naughty shopping." A smile threatened to show.

"What can I say? I like keeping you guessing." I winked. "Okay, you wanted to visit an adult store. What did you want to purchase at said store? Anything in particular?" Although night had fallen, with the interior light on, I could easily view her reddening cheeks. "C'mon, Sadie. You can tell me."

"Um, I've...for a long time I've wanted a...vibrator," she finished in a whisper despite no one else being around to overhear our conversation. "Once I bought one from an online catalog, but...well, it sucked."

"That is a shame!" Grinning, I reached for the handle to open the door. "Let's go shopping and find you one that doesn't suck."

Fortunately, quite a perky and knowledgeable employee offered Sara a level of assistance that I couldn't, as I didn't have much experience with vibrators. After ascertaining that my friend was comfortable being alone with the redhead, I headed to a different aisle. Since I located the website for this store a couple of days ago, I knew precisely what I wanted, and as I looked for those items, a conversation Sara and I had during the Purple Haze and outdoor movie night played within my mind.

Having finished watching Knocked Up about half an hour ago, we quietly lay on our backs inside the tent, the stars, moonlight, and a lantern making it possible for us to view one another. A question which had been on my mind since the night Sara offered her bucket list to me, finally decided to emerge from my mouth. Sitting up, I faced her with my legs folded Indian style, waiting until those brown eyes peered up at me. When I smiled, she lazily smiled back, a finger trailing across my knee.

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