Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

"May I ask what you did to punish her?" She inquired in her disturbing voice.

"No. You may not." I snapped, reaching for the half a bottle of Firewhiskey.

"Hmm!" She flicked her wand at the bottle, making it go flying into her hand.

"I think that you have had enough of this Severus. I do not tolerate alcoholics at Hogwarts." I looked up and glared at her.

"Get out of my office." I growled, walking over and snatching the bottle out of her hands.

"Sorry?!" She asked, raising her eyebrow in a derogatory manner. I sneered at her.

"Don't forget Severus, you are easily replacable." She waltzed out of my room, as I slammed the door behind her, clutching the bottle in frustration.

"Arrrrrgg!!!!" I shouted, throwing the bottle at the far wall, which smashed in a shower of glass and liquid droplets.


I must have passed out, because I woke up slumped up against my office door. My head was pounding, and my throat felt dry and sharp. I put a hand to my head, and heaved myself onto my feet.

The ancient clock on the far wall said eight o'clock.


I've already missed breakfast.

No time to change, I rushed out of my room, trying to brush out the knots in my hair with my fingers. Judging by the looks I was recieving, I must have looked very dishevelled. Or hungover.

I strode angrily into the classroom, shutting the blinds with a swish of my wand. Even the faint light from the windows was hurting my eyes, and the slamming noise the blinds made hurt my head massively.

"Silence!" I hissed, earning instant quite from the class of fifth years. I noticed Amelie sitting at the back, her eyes red and puffy from crying, and her skin extremely pale. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch her eye throughout the whole lesson.

The bell chimed for the end of lessons, causing the students to rise from their seats and chat incessantly.

"Miss Leveridge, stay behind!" I shouted after them, waiting nervously for Amelie to speak to me.

"Sir." She said blankly, not looking at me.

"Amelie. How are you?" She swallowed, as a tear slid down her cheek.

"I'm alive." She responded unemotionally, fiddling with the knot of her tie.

"...good." I said, dissapointed with the reaction I got. I'd wanted her to tell me how she was feeling, whether or not she resented me. I would have even taken her shouting at me, over this.

"How are you and Neville?" I asked, in a foolish attempt of seeming to care.

She shrugged.

"Amelie." She turned to look at the far wall, purposely ignoring me.

"Amelie!" I hissed, "Look at me!" Still she blanked my existence. I grabbed her chin gently with my hand, and span her face to look at me.

She blinked at me, biting her lip with anguish. Her dark eyes were filled with sorrow and pain, her long eyelashes dripping with tears. She seemed withdrawn, and her hair was hastily tucked up into a ponytail, none of her usual care put into it.

"I have only just found out that you are my daughter. It's as bad for me as it is for you! So don't act like you're the only one who's been hurt by this." She narrowed her eyes at me, her mouth set into a firm frown.

"So your girlfriend leaving you is worse than having no parents for THIRTEEN YEARS!! Or how about having your real parents abandon you before you could even STAND!!!" She screamed, her face red with fury.

"I didn't KNOW you were my daughter you imbecile!" I shouted back, wincing as the loudness hurt my head.

She glared at me, clenching her fists with anger.

"I hate you Snape. I really do." She hissed, standing inches away from me. She span on her heel, and went to stomp away, when I grabbed her wrist.

"Let GO!" She screamed, trying to pull herself out of my iron grip.

"Not until you listen to me!" She gave me the most evil of glares, that chilled me to the bone.

"What!" She snapped, still struggling in my hand.

"I did not know that you were my daughter!! If I had, do you really think that I would have let you stay in those horrific places?!" I hissed, staring deep into  her eyes.

"I don't know. You are cruel." She snarled, before pulling ferociously out of my hand. She started to run to the door, but I locked it with my wand.

"Let me out!" She shrieked, kicking the door with all her might, sobbing uncontrollably. She was an emotional wreck. And it was all my fault.

She started banging her head on the door, as I strode over to her, shocked at just how much she'd broken down.

"Amelie?" I breathed, putting a hand between the solid oak and her head.

She lifted her head slowly, and blinked at me through her tears of anger and despair, before bursting into furious tears.

Despite my best judgement, I knew what I had to do.

"I'm so sorry." I breathed, pulling her into a hug. She fought back, kicking my shins and hitting my chest with her hands. I held her tightly, until she gave in, and buried her head in my chest, sobbing quietly.

"Shhhh." I placed a hand soothingly on her back, as she calmed down. "I'm here now, and I'm not going to leave you." I held her head to myself, trying to reassure her that I was there.

Minutes passed before she stopped sobbing. She lifted up her head, and blinked into my eyes.

"You have my eyes." I breathed, wiping a stray tear off her cheek with my finger.

"I also have your temper." She smiled meekly at me. "I'm sorry Dad...I don't mean to be so...emotional." She nibbled her lip with embarassment.

"I understand." I twisted my lips upward slightly, into something that resembled a smile.

"Having you is the only thing that makes being stuck with Mother dearest, bearable." She frowned slightly as she said this, her grudge towards Lucinda holding strong.

"You need to get to your next class. I have a bunch of moronic first years waiting outside." She smiled at me before reaching to open the door. A quick flick of my wand, and she pulled the door open, avoiding the confused stare of the children outside the door.

"What are you staring at?!" She sneered as she walked past. I smirked after her.

She's definately her father's daughter.

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