"No it wasn't! It was the best thing that has ever happened to me in more than 2000 years and as matter of fact, she'll be staying here with me for a longer period of time."

"WHAT?! Oh no... the count has become insane!" he placed his both hands on the forehead.

"You better get used to her, Gilbert, and start being nicer! You can begin by not sniffing around her room. And DON'T growl at her!"

"Oh wait... could it be that the count's .... in ll.. l-l lll llooo...lloolll.. " I knew exactly which word he meant but didn't dare say it out loud for it was sacred and a creature like me doesn't deserve it.

"Now, Gilbert, I want you to stop with your dog-stupidity and-"

"Such thing doesn't even exist, count!"

"It does, especially for you. Anyhow, how about we go greet her and try to become friends? Since she'll be staying the whole summer here." Gilbert growled in disapproval. "Stop growling! Now let's go say good morning." he was about to flung the door open when I stopped him. "Where are your manners? She's a human girl!"

"So?" he had no idea what I was talking about.

"We have to knock first, you stupid! KNOCK!"

"How to knock..?" poor Gilbert.

"Oh heavens... that's what happens when you spend 2000 years isolated from the world. Now watch!" I put my hand into a fist and knocked on the door. "See?" he growled in a 'yes'.

"Why isn't she answering?"

"'Cause maybe she didn't hear us! Let's try it again!" I knocked once more.

"Yes?" we heard her voice.

"It's me and Gilbert! May we please come in?"


Before entering her room I gave Gilbert once last look and whispered "Be nice!"

There she stood, looking at me with a huge smile on her face showing her pearls! Why did I feel so strange? I cleared my throat to speak but nothing came out...

"Michael, you're up so... early?"

"She calls you Michael?!" Gilbert whispered in my ear and I pushed his shoulder to shut him up.

"Oh ahh yes! I really am!" she giggled at my words, tugging a chunk of her hair behind her small ear.

"Well, I'm glad you came to say hi!"

"Of course, we will! I am glad also. Gilbert's glad too, right?"

*growling sounds from Gilbert* I told him 10 times to stop with that! I pushed his shoulder with mine but this time stronger to make him reply "Right."

"So..." I tried to start a conversation but because of some unknown reason, my mouth couldn't form any words...

"Yeah..." she said and begun playing with her little hands.

"Well..." what should I say, what should I say??? "I thought that you and Gilbert may want to get to know each other better.. since you know.. you'll be staying here for a long time and I think you two didn't start out well." I hope I didn't sound weird. She nodded her head and Gilbert looked away obviously not happy with my words. "Right Gilbert?"

"Yes count but I can't do that today!"

"And why is that?"

"I have to go to town to get food for... miss YN, forgot?"

"Ohh! I have forgotten indeed!"

"Where's your mind count..." he murmured.

"What did you say!" I scolded him! I just hope she didn't hear him but judging from her giggling she did. Great, now he embarrassed me in front of her..

Michael Jackson Dracula (Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now