Chapter two: part two

Start from the beginning

"So how are you Kathrine?" I know I'm a little drunk right now but I know for sure this little bitch is not standing next to me in MY house. I'm not going to cuss her out like I want to, instead Imma get the answer as to why she keep hitting Lee up. "Shit, I haven't been so good to be honest...I just can't get Lee out of my mind mane" when she said that I wanted to laugh because her and Chris's Texas accents were hilarious to me....then it hit me. This dumb bitch is here to yet again, play with Lalita's emotions. But this time, I'm here and I ain't going nowhere. "Aye, on second thought Lee ain't even here so you can go on...I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave her alone. She's doing just fine without you so let's keep it that way.". She gave me this "you got me fucked up" stare and stood up from the wall we were leaning on, taking a few steps towards the door before pausing to turn around a look at me "look," she said before taking a deep breath. "I don't know how much longer I can deal with myself without Lalita. I love her and I just don't know what to do without her."
"Well that's some shit you should of thought about when you was fucking around, breaking her heart over and fucking over again leaving her to pick up the pieces on her own. You know what you're a punk ass bitch. Always popping up when it's convenient for you. If you was actually a nigga I'd beat your ass" I said. I was trying to just chill but I really wanted to floor this wanna be ass nigga. "Nah bro, you just don't understand" this dumb ass bitch said "yeah I guess not. What I do know though if you was actually a dude and you treated my daughter how you treated Lee I'd make your ass disappear. Real shit." She just paused and tried to stare me down. I gave zero fucks, dark liquor really gave me energy. What I was saying was real though, my tone was probably fucked up but I meant everything I said. Just when she was about to say some more bullshit the side door opened up and Chris walked in with Lalita on his back.

After talking for about 30 minutes I learned Chris is 18 years old, he's the the oldest of 3 with a 13 year old brother named Jaylen and a 5 year old sister Leila. He chose to move to move to Washington after his father got home from serving a 17 year prison sentence, and after finding out his mother had a babies by another man he gave his mother an altamative, either she sends Jaylen to his father or they're not getting back together and when she chose up, Jaylen was sent to his dad in Seattle. So he moved here to get away from his mom and be closer to his little brother. "But yeah....other than that my life was pretty coo. You cold shorty?" He must of noticed I've been shivering since we sat down. "Yeah, haha" "you want to go inside that?" "Yeah I need to get in the shower too" I said standing up and giggling. "Alright let's go." He said squatting in front on me "Lemme give you a piggy back ride." Jumping on his back, he sprinted down the stairs, pretending like he was going to run into to the pond causing me to yell at the top of my lungs. He's actually a cool ass person, I haven't laughed like this in awhile. It kind of reminded me of going to ocean shores with my parents, Austin, Anthony, and I.
Getting into the house, the first thing I noticed was Kj and Santana having a stare down instantly making me slide off Chris's back and my drop my.
"What are you doing here?...."
"She was just leaving, so she better leave before I shove her ass for real dawg." Santana said before she could even answer causing Chris to let out a sound, that sounded like he was sneezing when really he was trying to hold in his laughter.
"Look I just wanna talk she said" sounding like she was about to cry which made Santana mock her, which made Chris laugh some more. She let out a deep breath which let me know she was getting angry. I look at Santana with pleading eyes to ask if it was okay if I could walk her to her car so we could talk. "Not no, but HELL no" he blurted out loud as fuck. "Chill it won't be that long" I said to him. "Look, you got 5 mins, but I really wanna don't want to let you" he said playfully pushing me in Kj's direction. I turned around to touch Chris's chest, " I'll be back and when can finish our conversation." "Bet," he said licking his lips, "you better hurry up though. I KNOW you don't want my drunk ass cousin to come out there after your ass" he said causing us both to laugh.

Finally making it out the house, down the porch stairs I walked down on to the grass that is right on the edge of the curb next to Kj's blue Impala. By the time I got down there she was already sitting on the hood of the car looking at me with her hands in her pockets and a look on her face that let me know she had a lot on her mind.
"You said you wanted to talk so talk" I said breaking the silence. "How are you?" She asked me.
"Cut the bullshit, for real dude. What wrong with you?" I asked her. She kissed her teeth, and looked up at the dark sky. When she looked back down at me, her eyes were glossed over and I knew at any moment tears were going to be racing down her face. "I CAN'T DO THIS SHIT!" She shouted. "This not talking to you, you ignoring me, just not having you around anymore feels like it's killing me. My mom is watching me like a hawk because she feels like I'm going to hurt myself, she even has me taking anti-depressants." By now, the tears were rushing down her face, and she was sobbing uncontrollably. Taking a deep breath and seizing her cry for a moment "all because of you.". When she said that, my heart felt like it dropped and a lump formed in my throat. You know that feeling when you find something that breaks your heart? And it feels like if made you sick to your stomach. That's what it feels like right now. "How the fuck is that my fault? Is it because I won't take your cheating lying ass back? Well, I'm sorry for looking out for myself. It's not like you ever did, I'm not a fucking doormat. You aren't gonna walk all over me and treat me like shit when all I did was love you. I was even there when your whole family was acting different and I still got cheated on." "You know what, it's not even about us being together,...." She said still sobbing and taking the bottom of her black Northface hoodie sleeve to wipe stray tears. "I just need you back in my life, even as a friend". That right there really made me realize she was really going through it. "And that I can do Kathrine," I said pulling her into a hug. "Just please stop crying" I said crying myself. It still hurts to see her hurt. "You first" she said causing us both to giggle. "I'm sorry Lee...for everything." "Shhhhh," I said hugging her tighter. "I forgive you" I told her truthfully. I know this is a decision I may regret, after all I just agreed to letting my suicidal first love back.

I'm baaaaaaaack 😘 hey guys, it's been a long year and a half but I'm back & am willing to stay if you guys still fw me. Kj in the media. Any feed back? Good or bad. 😊

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