"Ye Who Enter Here"

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19. After claiming that if she kills Lexa, Queen Nia will be very grateful and she'll become her ally, Clarke states she hears she is worst than Lexa, Roan tells her that they both want one thing. To do the best for their people.

20. Outside the Mountain's entrance, Octavia expresses her disagreement with bringing people there and using the Mountain while she is dreading the time when Lincoln will have the kill order lifted and they'll live.

21. Bellamy doesn't seem too hurt by her words, since he wants the best for her, but states she will always fit in with him.

22. While the Blake siblings are having a moment, Farm Station guards bring a Grounder, who appears to be Echo, aka the prisoner who saved Bellamy last season by helping him kill Lovejoy.

23. Echo tells Bellamy that the summit is a trap and there is an assassin that is planning to kill their people.

24. A glimpse of the assassin's face in a dark room.

25. Raven, Gina and Sinclair rush back to the Mess Hall where Pike is interrogating Echo about her motives. After Bellamy says that he trusts her, they make a plan to get their people out of Polis.

26. Pike insists on needing to activate the missiles, but Sinclair says they don't even have the launch codes. Raven states arrogantly that they have her.

27. Bellamy asks Gina to help the others while he goes to Polis and promises to be careful.

28. The assassin lights a candle, places a wristwatch (? where did he get that) and opens a metallic box to shed his blood from a cut he inflicts on his palm.

29. Kane and Abby reach Polis where there seems to be a big marketplace.

30. A little girl drags Abby to a stool while Kane explains that only the sentries are armed in Polis, so no matter how much people stare they are safe.

31. The owner of the stall (probably the girl's mother) offers Abby some squid (? not sure what sea-animal that is), but after she refuses, Kane tries and says it's delicious.

32. Seeing how good he handles the situation, Abby tells him he should get the chancellor pin back, but he disagrees saying it's time they let the people decide.

33. While Kane and Abby seem to have a moment (or it could be just me), Indra arrives to greet them and lead them inside the tower.

34. Lexa trains with a boy named Aden, who seems to best her at some point when Titus interrupts saying the Skaikru arrived.

35. He orders the rest of the kids, the Nightblood, to continue training while he questions Lexa's decision to include Skaikru in the Kongeda (coalition).

36. Stating that he has been the flame keeper/flamekepa (whatever that is) to four commanders and no one has done what Lexa has, he is concerned that whatever she does elevates Clarke. Lexa states Clarke is special because she elevates herself.

37. Titus ends the discussion saying that if Lexa wants Clarke's power, she should kill her.

38. Back in the Mountain, Sinclair, Raven and Gina try to find the launch codes with no luck.

39. Gina brings to the table the idea of Dante having written down the code somewhere in his office and Sinclair sends her to check. Raven is not that positive about how that idea is going to play out.

40. Bellamy, Pike, Octavia and Echo reach Polis's boarder only to find the guards Kane left with their throats sliced.

41. Pike blames Echo, but Octavia stops him before he does anything else.

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