Chapter Two - The Self Loathing

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Hey guys! It's been a while! I am sooooo sorry that this chapter has taken me months to upload I've just been majorly busy and under a lot of stress but finally here it is!

Also this chapter is extremely short and I'm sorry for that but I didn't want to babble on to much for just a filler chapter!!!


Chapter Two

Rae's P.O.V.

"Rise and shine beautiful!" Oh. My. GOD.

My eyes flew open in a matter of seconds and I came face to face with a smirking Scott Maine. Then it all came flooding back to me, I had lost my virginity to a guy that I cannot stand. It was tragic. It definitely wasn't the experience I had been thinking of my whole life, we were both completely wasted and we weren't even in a relationship. I felt like I should have the words 'SLUT' printed on my forehead in big, block capitals.

I grabbed the thin blue sheet that was draped over my body, barely protecting my modesty and I clutched it tighter to myself trying desperately to protect my body from Scott's view, I suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious like I had something to prove. I definitely wasn't on the same level as some of the other girl's that Scott has been with and it was my first time did he think I was a huge disappointment? I buried my head in my hands, my life was doomed.

He was just sitting there smirking at me like he knew something I didn't, it was as if he was the only person on this earth to finally discover who 'A' was on Pretty Little Liars, he seemed that smug and it was making me deeply uncomfortable. I just wanted to wipe that hideous look off his face it was like that expression was permanently tattooed across his face.

"Where's my clothes I need to get dressed?!" the sentence came out as one long word. The embarrassment that I felt was overwhelming. I couldn't even think straight I just wanted to get the hell out of his tiny place. The room was spinning as the effects from my large alcohol intake last night began kicking into my system and the pieces of the night before continued to scramble around in my head creating one big blur.

"Why the rush, didn't you want to go again?" Scott asked whilst winking at me. I thought I was going to throw up, I felt so dirty this certainly wasn't me. I felt like such a walking teenage cliché.

"Fuck off" were the only words my scrambled brain managed to come up with, I couldn't look at him in fear that I resembled a cast member from the walking dead.

I dived out of bed in a matter of seconds and headed towards different areas of the room in order to retrieve the items of my clothing that obviously had been quickly removed last night. I pulled them on with such a quick force I was surprised I didn't put them on back to front. Scott just sat there in his bed watching me while I fussed over my image in the big mirror that was attached to the back of his door. The size of his mirror didn't surprise me considering how massively conceited he was.

My hair was a gigantic mane of wildness, the perfectly done curls from the night before now resembled a matted bushy terror. My neatly applied make-up was now smeared all over my face in different directions and blotchy, not to mention the gigantic panda eyes I was sporting. I looked like I had died and been warmed back up in somebodies microwave. I was shocked I was voluntarily leaving Scott's house rather than him kicking me out for the way I looked. I grabbed my tiny clutch bag from the counter which was the only article of mine to have been placed somewhere delicately might I add and I checked I had all my belongings.

"I'm just gonna leave, um thanks I guess for letting me stay or whatever?" I stumbled over my words and put my hands to my face as he laughed and said "No problem babe" Did I actually just thank him for having sex with me? I am such a fumbling idiot! I ran down the stairs and tried to make it out the door without any awkward encounters with some of his family members who would no doubt judge me greatly. I mean who would blame them I was probably now going to be known as the village slut.

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