closer than ever

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~earlier in the day~

"Please just hold me tight. The voices are coming back ". his voice filled with fear . his words sent chills down your spine. you hold his warm body close to yours . He was scared.

"let's get you to bed tom ". you carefully let go of him and grabbed his hand. his eyes wondered everywhere looking as if he was going to get attacked. You lead him to his room which he stopped mid door.
"what's wrong?". he looked inside just stared at the pitch black room.
"They are in there .... i can hear them whisper". his voice shaky.
you turned on the light so tom could have some comfort.
"tom i promise you . there is nobody here, i can assure you that".
there was silence no noise . Only the wind  was heard outside.
"shut up . shut up . shut up" tom began to pound his head on the wall . you were frightened by his actions.
you held his head .
"tom look at me shhh​ shhh​". your hands were shaking trying to make him calm.
his eyes quickly connected to yours.
"tom you can't keep going like this you need help". his eyes began to water. his head red do to the slamming on the wall.
he started to hum. it was soothing.
"get out before you can". his voice became deeper.
"tom you know i would never leave you . i am here for you no matter what ".
" I SAID LEAVE" . he screamed at you . anger in his eyes. you backed away a little bit.
he smirked " Are you scared of me darling ?" he chuckled. his eyes were watery almost red.
you just stood there still in shock whether if he was showing his illness or was it all a act.

"Tom we can always call for help . you truly need this , please you can't keep going on with this you need professional help". it was silent both of you didn't say a word to each other. there was still light outside . all you can hear were the children playing outside and the neighbors chatting on their porch.

tom just blinked a bit and became aware of his surroundings as if his soul re-entered his body. he gave you such a gentle smile . It was heart warming seeing that smile for the first time in so long the real smile he would give you.

"you look very beautiful today ". you were confused not knowing what to say or do.

"Th -Thank you?" you slightly murmured. he came close to you , his hand reached your cheek you flinched. he gently touched you cheek.

"i will never hurt you . do you understand". he then laid a soft kiss on your forehead. you just stared at knowing sooner or later the other side of his will show .

"its to hot in here I'll be going for a walk . I'll see you when i get back ". he left like nothing happened . after a few minutes pasted you had to do something . you didn't want him to harm his self or other people . but you weren't sure how he would react you hesitated but you contacted the behavioral mental illness number . you reported the situation . they asked you a few questions and also told you that it would be much easier if he doesn't know they are coming because if he dose he wouldn't want to go with the nurses that are professionals at taking mental patients . a few hours pasted the nurses came . men with blue scrubs were in the house , they looked buff maybe reasons why they work out for these type of things.

after a while tom came he seemed off seeing strangers in his house.

"what are these men doing here?" tom asked .

"tom you need help. You can't keep this inside ". he reached inside his grayish coat and pulled out a gun and pointed at you . your heart immediately dropped tears forming in your eyes.

"you told me you would never do this ". tom screamed at you with tears running down his face.

"please tom, lets talk about this. put down that gun".
he wiped his sweat of his forehead.

"you think i am crazy . don't you ?". he said while his voice was cracking do to the crying.

"no tom. i don't i had to call them you aren't acting like yourself please let them help you ". one of the guys tried to touch him but he pointed at them with the gun.

"you promised". he shouted

"let them help you Thomas do it for me". his eyes still pouring with tears .

"why should i do it for you when all you done is cause trouble". Now the gun shifted you once again.your heart was pounding to hard. you began to cry.

"Thomas you wouldn't hurt me". his hand was shaking .

"i cant hurt , but i know a way to do so ". he shifted the gun to his temple. you went on your knees to plead for him not to do it.

"please tom no no no don't do this". one of the guys tried to stop him the gun shifting between tom and the nurse until you heard a loud bang . you closed your eyes not wanting to see what just happened. you heard tom collapse to the floor . you opened your eyes in shock. you rushed towards him . no blood nothing. the nurse gave him a calming shot . the loud bang was one of the bullets going trough the wall it missed the nurse . you took a breath of relief . two of the nurses came in with a bed with straps on it . they put tom onto the bed and strapped him into it. tom was passed out you put your hand on his forehead .

"i love you". you whispered to him as they took him to an ambulance . the paramedics told you all the info in where tom will be treated and kept in.



hey guys hope you enjoyed my first ever tom hiddleston story. i advise you to not get offended of this i do not want anyone getting mad in why i put tom in this situation .

HOPE YOU GIVE IT A VOTE . I'll update once it gets a bit of reads . but please do comment what you think .

thank you so much for your support .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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