Chapter 2

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I just ignore him hoping I could still get peace and quiet, but he asked again "what's your name?" This time it wasn't so nice I don't know what it was, but it sounded as if he was outraged that I didn't want to talk to him. His voice was just so cold filled with hatred. I don't even know you, but wait until I give you a piece of my mind.

I turned towards him and stop completely. Instead of giving him a piece of my mind I stare into his gorgeous hazel green eyes. I had to admit it was as if I was being hypotize I couldn't stop staring at them. Why can't I..."um, hello?" He said it so much more kinder that I must have exaggerated it. "Sorry, I'm Isa."

Suddenly, he takes my hand and kisses it below the knuckles no one has ever done that to me or even went near me for that matter. "It's a pleasure to meet you Isa. That's the most beautifullest name I have ever heard." Wow, um what do I say? No one has ever said this to me before. Blushing a little I say "thank you. What's your name?" What wrong with me! This is what you say to him who has said one of the most beautifullest things I have ever heard to me and you say "what's your name?"

Right when he was about to answer they call his name up. I guess I already know his name. I didn't know he was still holding my hand until he let go and walked over to the lady. He was talking, but I couldn't hear. Great, I finally made a friend and now I'm never going to see him again. He runs back to me and quickly whispered "I'm Zane it was a pleasure meeting you Isa."

Turns around and runs back to the lady. She excourts him to his room. He makes one quick glance at me, but not in the way you would think a friend would give you. It was filled with hatred and coldness, but as quickly as that happened he was gone. Um, what just happened? This guy I just met gives me a look of hate and what? Walks off to get his pill. Ugh, man I don't understand them.

I waited another half an hour looking at the paintings, but all I could think about was how sweet Zane was one minute and the next how horrid he was. Why was he like that I don't even know him. I just met him. Isa, think of anything, but him just try. I tried, but kept thinking back to him.

The lady calls me up. Here I go. I walk up to the lady and allow her to lead the way. This is it. I'm finally getting my power.
"Please take a sit." I take a seat in the dental chair. I have to ask "will it hurt?" She glances quickly at the clock and around the room looking at everything, but me. Finally, she looks at me and says "no, when I insert the power in you you would be unconscious. When I wake you up all you have to do is take the matching pill to confirm it." That last sentence I don't know what that was about, but the way she said it it sounded as if when I wake up it's going to hurt. Take a deep breath. You been dying for this day to come and what you're going to chicken out? No! I can do this. She straps me in the chair. It's okay. "Inhale this please." I inhale and immediately my world went black.
I wake up to this pain all over my body. I moan, and try to breathe small breaths. Big breaths, big breaths. The lady turns towards me. Lifts up the chair and says "once you swallow this pill the pain will be all gone. Your almost there." I take the pill. What if I choke on it? I can barely even hold it. I die tomorrow everything will be okay. You're not going to die shallowing this pill. I look down at the pill. It's blue. I going to have ice powers! I shallow the pill. When it's completely down my throat the pain was gone. Completely gone.

The lady smiles and says "thank you for coming in today. I hope you have a good rest of your day." I walk to the door and quickly turn around and say "thank you" and walk out.

I'm outside. The coldness in the October air would have bothered me, but since I have ice powers it doesn't really affect me. This is amazing! I can't believe I have ice powers. I walk down back to the park.

I walk past this restaurant and look at it. A person I'm guessing is a man is killing people. KILLING PEOPLE! He making their expiration dates expire today! I quickly run to the other side and duck my head so no one can see me. He killing each person with a different power. Is that possible? Is the new pill all the powers combined? No, it can't be that's too much power for someone to control. He killed a person with strength, super speed punch, shapeshifting into a polar bear and tearing the body... I can't look. I look back and he killing someone with electricity shooting out of his hands. One with ice powers. One with fire power, and one with martial arts which isn't a power, but he skilled with it.

I look to get a better look at the man, but can't. Is it someone I know?! Who is this person?! He turns around heading toward my way I hide behind a black car hoping with all my might that he wouldn't come this way. Thankfully he didn't see me, but I got to see him. I couldn't breathe.
It was Zane.

The Power of the Expiration Date  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now