Ten | I Melt With You

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"I wasn't aware I was talking," He said with a dumb smile on his face. "What movie?"

"Take your pick," I said in an overly-saccharine voice, gesturing to the movie shelf under the tv as I stood up.

"As you wish, princess," he answered. "Get me something good," he added when he noticed me leaving the room.

After heading to the kitchen and grabbing  a bag of Doritos for me, and absolutely nothing for Tyler, I returned to the living room just in time to see him flopping back down on the couch.

I sat down next to him, glancing at the tv. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw he had picked Kill Bill, an old action movie that was actually a really good choice.

I frowned at him for a few seconds but was unable to hold my tongue. "Kill Bill?" I asked hesitantly.

Tyler turned from the tv to look at me. "Yeah. I'm not much of a movie guy but I can appreciate some Tarantino."

"Hmm," I nodded, struggling to hide my stupid smile.

Instead, I wrapped myself in the soft blanket slung over the couch and began eating my chips. I tried to focus on the movie for the first ten minutes or so, but eventually gave up because I felt Tyler staring at me.

Finally I couldn't take it. "What? What is it?"

"Nothing," he chuckled. "You know, the whole baggy grunge thing looks sexy on you," he stated, making me almost choke on the Doritos in my mouth.

"Shut up!" I scowled after composing myself, refusing to look at him.

He laughed and turned back to face the screen, where Uma Thurman was currently hurling a knife into a woman's chest. I watched for a while but soon felt myself dozing off, against my better judgement.


I lifted my head up groggily. It took me a minute to realize I was still in my living room and was lying down on the couch. I took in the title menu of Kill Bill that was playing on a loop.

I soon stiffened when I realized there were arms around me. I slowly shifted around with my eyes squeezed halfway shut, unsurprised to see it was Tyler with his arm slung over my side, fast asleep.

I should've moved, or even woken him up, but I didn't. It felt oddly comfortable Tyler's arms, and traitorous butterflies even swarmed through my stomach.

A devious smile soon crept onto my lips as I studied Tyler's peaceful face. I shifted so my lips were at his ear.

"Tyler!" I screamed.

He bolted out of my arms and fell off the couch, his eyes wide and panicked.

I burst into laughter, a few tears soon streaming down my face.

He stood up, swearing. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, sounding irritated.

"Well, you were suffocating me...I had to do something."

His irritation quickly faded. "I bet you enjoyed cuddling me. I'm sure you would enjoy doing a hell of a lot more than that, too."

I raised an eyebrow. "Thanks, really, but no. Go work your man-whorish ways on someone dumb enough to fall for them."

"Man-whore?" His eyes widened in false shock. "Hey, I'm a sensitive guy! I have feelings, too, you know."

I laughed at the idea of Tyler being in anyway sensitive. "Right, and Donald Trump is my personal butler."

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