On Your Own

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"It's over. We're over." My apparent ex-boyfriend said heartlessly over the phone. I couldn't think of anything to say back to him, I was shocked and my eyes were starting to fill with tears, so I hung up. The fact that he didn't have the guts to break up with me face to face was the worst part. I knew the coward in him would play the lead. I was stupid to ever trust him. But what was I going to do now? He kicked me out of the house that we bought together and left me on my own. I could go back to my parents house? No. My family hated me and I couldn't stand them. The only thing that kept me going in my teenage years was the thought of getting away, so I couldn't go back. But I wasn't exactly rolling in the dough either. 

I walked down the dusty sidewalks of New York with my earbuds in and thought about what I would do. As tears began to fill my eyes and the realize of the situation began to really hit me, I saw a girl with bright green hair sitting on the grass under a tree and playing her guitar and quietly singing. Her voice was amazing, to say the least. I was into singing myself but I'd probably never achieve her vocal range. But I decided to sit on a bench and watch. After she finished the song I clapped, which caught her attention and finally allowed her to notice my presence. 

"That was incredible!" I praised, while the girl with the odd colored hair blushed and quietly thanked me. "I'm Tay, by the way." 

"Jenna." She replied with a warm smile on her face, which suddenly turned to a look of confusion as she probably noticed my bloodshot eyes and suitcases. 

"Are you alright?" She asked with genuine concern. I nodded, though I found it crazy that anyone would honestly care about me or how I was doing, especially someone I literally just met. She frowned, "I can tell that you're not. You don't have to tell me what happened, but maybe let me take you for a drink and cheer you up a little?" I smiled at the kindness this girl I hardly knew already had to offer me. I agreed while she packed up her guitar and we headed off to a cafe. 

"So why the suitcases?" Jenna asked, after we found a table and had gotten our orders.

"Oh, well it's kind of a long story." I looked down at my lap, but managed to let out a slight laugh before continuing, "My boyfriend sort of dumped me and then kicked me out of our house and now I don't have anywhere to live." I looked up to find her green/brown eyes full of concern staring back at me. 

"Really?" She asked, the smile falling from her face. 

"Yeah.. But it's okay, I'll figure something out." I replied, knowing that I wasn't only lying to her, but also myself. 

"You could come live with me. I mean, no pressure or anything, I know we just met, but I already trust you." She stated, looking down at my Blink-182 shirt. "Plus you have good music taste so we can jam together." She giggled. Her laugh was adorable. I could listen to it all the time. But I couldn't believe her offer. Was it seriously this easy? Did I just happen to run into the greatest person this world has ever seen? It sure seemed like it. And I really needed a place to stay, at least until I had enough money to get my own place. 

"Sure. Thank you so so much, I don't know what I would have done or where I would have stayed." I answered with a large grin on my face. My ex never even crossed my mind as I walked with Jenna to her house and we spent the evening listening to music and getting to know each other. Maybe things would be okay. Maybe pain really does happen for a reason. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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