Ch. 11 Finding a new way

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Hey guys sorry for not posting in along time but here is the next chapter I hope you like it :)
Maddy's P.O.V
"Jay don't touch it" Hunt yells "Jay! DON'T" Evie and Mal yell. Jay smirks and reaches out and tries to grab the want, but is stopped by the force field. Jay is shot back away from the wand and the alarm starts. We all cover our ears "AHH! An alarm and force field really?" I yell "come on let's go!" We all run down the stairs and through the doors back to the school. "Good job Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow" Mal says upset
The next day
I wake up to this awful noise, I looked over to the clock beside my bed "Really?! Its 7:30 in the morning" I wine "yes and even now we're running late" Evie replies I sit up and see Evie dressed and running around the room getting everything for class. I look at Mal and give her an odd, she nods back and we get out of bed, she waves her hand and all of mine and her stuff is ready to go. Then she waved her hand again and we have our outfits and hair done. I looked down at myself "Nice choice Mal! Your understanding my style now!" I say and give her a high five "thanks Mad I've been practicing" she replies "okay guys funny funny now let's go we're going to be late" Evie says walking to the door "E, you forgetting something" I ask, she turns around and walks to us "fine go for it" she says back now with her hand and we disappear in a cloud of purple and green smoke.
After class back in the room
"UGGH" Ice Age jumping back on my bed "that was a long day." "I know right!" Hunt says. We're all back in the girls room talking until we hear a knock on the door. So I get up and open the door to see Ben, and turn around and smirk at mal, "Hey mal! It's for you!" I say walk back to my bed and listen to their conversation.
Mal's P.O.V
(I know crazy I put her point of view in this chapter cause it helps move the story to where it is suppose to be :) hope you like it)

I walked to the door and see Ben "Hi Ben, what's up?c I asked "oh, um, I didn't see you guys today just wondering if you need anything or have any questions" he told me, I looked behind me and everyone shrugs No. Ben nods and starts to turn away until I remember the coronation "oh wait!" I catch his attention "do we actually get to go to your coronation?" "Yes the whole school goes" "would it be possible for us to stand near the front near the fairy godmothers day weekend, soak up all that goodness?" I asked. There's a medium short pause before he replies with "I wish you could, but upfront is just me, my folks and my girlfriend" your girlfriend?" I question "Yeah, I'm sorry but there is a lo-" he tries to say but is cut off by me closing the door and saying ok thank you once the doors closed I look to the group and say "looks like Benny-boo needs to find himself a new girlfriend, and I need a love spell" I clap my hands and Hunt reaches his hand behind them, grabs my book and tosses it to me. I do a tiny laugh and open the book.
I hope you guys like this chapter I added Mal's p.o.v view in it this will most likely be a one time thing unless you guys want me to add more of the other kids p.o.v.'s. Leave a comment saying if I should make more point of view of other people other than Maddy and Carlos. Also I'm sorry it took so long to post I've been super busy I will try to post as often as I can. Again leave a comment if I should include anything is good :) alright well have a good night peace.

The Tale Of Two Sides|| Carlos De Vil Love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang