Halftime Show

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Alright so lemme get this outta the way...I hate football. That probably sounds really weird to a lot of people unless you hate football too, then you'd probably understand. As many of you know the Super Bowl is on tonight. Which apparently is really big and people flip out over it. I personally see it as another football game which I won't be watching. Except I do like the half time shows. This year Coldplay, Bruno Mars, and Beyoncé were all playing (Coldplay was like the main act tho.) I happened to walk downstairs right when it was about to start, and by "happened to walk down at that time" I mean everyone in my house was screaming at me to get my lazy ass out of my room and come watch it. Not gonna lie I thought it was pretty amazing. The stage setup and colors were dope af, (idk why I just said that) but what was even better was the singing.  Coldplay did an amazing job like always and I was really interesting until Bruno Mars came on. His lip syncing was horrible! I mean I understand why someone would lip sync at something like this but at least make it believable. Then Beyoncé came on. I'm not a fan of her music whatsoever, but I will admit she can sing. I didn't have my glasses on so I moved closer to the tv to get a better view. That's when I saw it...she looked like she had aged 40 years in 10 days. Honestly when I first saw her she instantly reminded me of my old reading and language teacher Mrs. Love. Even though it looks like she's getting old Beyoncé is still perfect, and will be for a while because plastic surgery is forever kids! Towards the end of the performance they all got together and sang; they all sounded really good especially in harmony. Afterwards a bunch of backup dancers and helpers all ran onto the stage with the different artists. All I could think about then was how they're all going to go home and tell every single person they know that they stood next to Beyoncé. That's all I really have to say about this....yeah I know it's crap but I didn't really feel like writing yet I still wanted to talk about this. Comment or something what you thought about the halftime show. Yaaaaaa BYEEEE!😝

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