Winter Day

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***Amaya Akabara here with a one-shot featuring my male oc Ricky Dnaiels. He appears in a story not yet written called Family Secrets, which is a G. I. Joe story. He's sixteen while the other oc featured is Fifteen. I gope you enjoy!!***

The streets of Chicago, Illinois are always very cold and unwelcoming during the winter, but some choose to endure the cold in order to have a little freedom. For one teenage boy who was dressed in a heavy denim jacket, the streets are his home away from home. His real home was a far memory as it was half way across the country. His black boots kicked at the snow as it fell from the sky and melted into his black unruly hair. He was walking aimlessly around the town with no place to really go or anyone to see.  His dark brown eyes took in every face he passed because there were so few people on the sidewalks.

One face stuck out to him and it was mainly because the girl who owned it was now following him. Her tamed black hair was stuffed inside the hood of a silver hoodie, but her bangs fell down into matching black eyes. She was small and her skin was tan which made her stick out for most people here had fair or pale skin due to the weather. Under her hoodie she wore a teal shirt of some sort and a ruffle jean skirt that struck the top of her knees. Under the skirt was a pair of black tights and on her feet were a pair of fuzzy silver Ugg boots. She trekked behind him up till the point that she slipped her hand in the back pocket of his boot cut jeans.

“And just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” he asked harshly as he stopped causing her to stop, but only when she was standing beside him.

“Keeping up with you.” the girl giggled as she turned her black eyes up to stare into his glaring dark brown ones.

“Who says I want you to follow me?” he inquired in the same harsh tone only to have her lean against his arm.

“No one, I just want to, besides I’ve seen you at the orphanage. You live in the teen boys wing while I am in the teen girls wing.” the girl informed him with a smile, but her information made him falter.

He started walking again and she walked in stride beside him which made the few people on the sidewalk stare or smile at the two. Her hand was still in the back pocket of his jeans which he didn’t mind for her small hand was warm. She tugged his arm over her shoulder and nestled into his side. Her hips swayed into his thigh as they walked through the snow like it wasn’t there at all.

“What’s your name?” he inquired a bit grateful for the warmth she was providing.

“Trisha Yale, but most call me Tornado, Tish or Trish, what’s your name?” she answered in a hum of contentment.

“Ricky Daniels, but most call me Hurricane, Rick or Dan.” he replied with a click of the tongue which caused her to giggle as they turned a corner.

“Nice to meet you Hurricane.” Trisha teased lightly as she poked his side with her free hand.

“Like wise Tornado.” Ricky teased back while dropping his arm to her waist and pulling her into his side more.

Trisha blushed due to his actions which caused Ricky to smirk before chuckling at her. A sly smirk found its way to her lips as she squeezed his rear which caused him to falter and give her a wide eyed look. This had to be the weirdest first meeting he had even had with anyone, but strangely enough he liked this girl already. They circled the block and headed back to the orphanage after grabbing a cup of hot chocolate at a local café. Once they were back at the orphanage Ricky lead her down the alley way and showed her his secret way of getting in without being caught by the care takers.

Once inside the building they slipped their shoes off and crept down the hallways without so much as a sound. They checked each hallway before setting foot in them and stuck to the darker side of the hall in an attempt to stay hidden. The floors were of sleek marble tile which made it that much easier to sneak around and it helped to know exactly where all of the security cameras were. They made it to the junction where they had to split and Trisha took his hand and turned it palm up. She took a sharpie from her jacket pocket and wrote a note on his palm before waving goodbye and slipping down the hallway without a sound.

Ricky slipped down the opposite hallway in the same manner and picked the lock on his door before opening it slowly as it would creak if opened too fast. He opened it just enough to slip into the room and closed it with a soft click before discarding his jacket on the foot of his bed. He pulled his shoes off and set them down on the floor at the foot of the bed and hung his pants over the railing with his jacket after pulling them off. He laid down on the bed and pulled the covers over himself as he took out a small flashlight from under his pillow. A smirk formed on his lips after he turned the flashlight on and shone it over the note Trisha had written on his palm.

“Alleyway, eight o’clock, don’t be late!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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