"She was going to fight vampires, and the fact that Luke didn't mention Mark, means something happened to Alpha Mark."

The forest Alpha whistles softly, "Messing with Alpha Mark, if they are stronger than him, then that means they are stronger than half of these New Alpha's."

"Yeah, but I'm wondering what happened to Red." I said, before walking around, I saw a woman sweeping out their porch, and went to her, "Hello, do you know if a female rogue had come in these parts in the past week or so, and where I can find her?"

She looked at me, "You mean that girl Red?"

"Yeah you know her?"

"What do you mean know her. She's a demon, she got what she deserved."

"What do you mean?" The woman rolled her eyes.

"Go to the center of the town, you'll see what I mean." She said, rolling her eyes at me, the forest Alpha followed behind me.

"Where is the center of the town exactly?" I asked, awkwardly, "You see this is my first time coming to this part."

"Walk around and I'm sure you'll be able to find it, or smell it."

"Okay, thank you." I said, she snorted and begun to sweep again. The Alpha and I continues to walk, then I understood what she meant by smelling it, you could start to smell, the overwhelming smell of mixed blood. I started to jog, noticing the blood smelled like Red, the closer I got the smell of blood became stronger. When I got to the clearing, the shock of what I saw made me drop to my knees.

Red, or what had become of Red, was a bloody mess, I could hear a faint heartbeat, but I knew she was almost gone. Her eyes were closed and fresh blood poured out of her body, from slash wounds that covered her from head to toe. She was chained up, in chains with wolf bane on it. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and the Forest Alpha squatted right beside me, "So this is the famous red?"

"Yeah, that her."

"Well, doesn't seem like shes the enemy, looks like the enemy is here, or should I say all the rogues are the enemies here."

"So the rogue are with he vampires?"

"Who knows, if they were, why would they do that to Red?"

'Shouldn't we get her down from there?"

"No, not right now, if we tried we'd be mauled within seconds, plus I bet they had someone whose not a werewolf put those chains on her. We cant touch them. You like her?"

"Yeah, I like her, even though she's not my mate."

"You do know, that sometimes wolves never find their mates, and that sometimes they don't have one."

"So what do we do now?"

"We have to tell the King of Alpha's." he said, once he finished saying that a bell sounded, it was 5 p.m judging by the bell. People started to trickle into the area and stand around, they stopped what ever they were doing and looked up at Red.

Someone walked up onto the structure where she hung by the arms, his blond hair was cropped short, and his eyes were almost like Reds, but they were cold and hard, with a hint of amusement. There was some shuffling as he pulled out a needle filled with blood, on which we couldn't catch the scent. He injected it into her, and her wounds started to heal quickly, the forest alpha's hand squeezed my shoulder and we both got up.

We watched as a group of people came behind her, like a gang of people. A guy led them, and the girl flanking his right side had a smirk on her face, as she looked at Red like she was a piece of meat. Red's body was still covered in blood, but her wounds were all healed up, except the chain wounds, I picked up red's heartbeat, it wasn't as faint as it was before, like the blood that he put in her gave her a bit more strength.

"So Red, you going to turn demon on us yet? Or are you going to be stubborn?" The blonde haired man said to her, her eyes fluttered open, she looked around and her eyes stopped on me for a quick second, so quick you wouldn't have noticed it, but she looked around her then she looked at the blonde man and a chuckle came out of her, "I'm good, I kind of like this torture." she said.

The blonde man's face went grim, and anger burned in his eyes. He snapped his fingers for the girl who wore a smirk on her face and pointed to Red, then started to walk away as the girl put on gloves that had metal claws, I smelt that it was soaked with wolfs bane. A squeeze on my shoulder reminded me that I couldn't do anything yet, I looked at the Forest Alpha, and we backed up as the claws descended on red leaving large wounds to bleed out.

We returned to the King of Alpha's who was just outside of the town, in human form. Going on one knee I told him everything I saw. The Forest Alpha produced a bunch of clothes for everyone to change into, everyone huddled into a circle. My eyes looked into the fire while I listened to the King of Alpha's, we had planned to go in tomorrow and rescue Red and find the blonde man and capture him, while suppressing the 'gang'.

Luke had brought up that they would know what we were going to do, just by the smell of us, so we would have to take a few days to do everything so the rogues would get used to some of us. A few of use had to be on the insides, that would be me, the Forest Alpha, Luke and the other scout, while all the other Alpha's hid out in the forest.

The Scout that had come from the Blue-moon pack, had gone in the next day with Luke, when he had got back, just around 6 they had also witnessed what had happened to Red, but they had gotten close enough to smell what type of blood they were using on Red, it was vampires blood.

She had only a small portion before all this had happened, and the King of Alpha's said that if they kept dosing her with it, she could either die, or go crazy.He also said, he didn't know why they want her demon side to come out, but it must be important because they are torturing her to a near death state just for it to show itself, and that is why we must capture the guy doing this, or the girl.

It was silent that night, everyone was in their own thoughts about what was going down tomorrow, and if we were going to make it out alive, after all, how did they capture Red? She is a Demon, and what happened to Mark, did it have something to do with that Jenny girl?

So many question that only the future can tell us if we look for the answers. I laid on the ground, smelling the earth unintentionally, causing me to relax as if I was home. Then my eyes fluttered closed, and I fell into a calm sleep.

One with the earth.


Author: Hey guys, please tell me how I am doing, and vote if you like. Thank you for reading this far, hoping you enjoy it.

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