Ch. 5 Under the Moon

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" you were way beyond curious and who could blame you about it? You don't meet vampires every day!

"Well, I stayed too long and my skin caught on fire..."

"So you can stay out in the sun but not for too long?"

"Yes. Well, I can remain longer if the weather's bad and the clouds cover the sun."

"How old are you?"

"Do you really wanna know?" you nodded.

"More than 2000 years."

"2000 years?!"


"I thought you were like in your thirties!" so that's why he would call you 'child' in the beginning when you came!

"Hahaha!" he laughed out loud "I was 32 when I became... what I am now and I've never aged since. I remained 32 forever." his eyes glistened.

"I've never before seen your hands without gloves on... why is that?"

"Because now that you know my true nature, there's no need to hide."

"But there's nothing wrong with your hands! They look completely fine!" he walked over to you, his body only few inches away from yours. You were looking in each others eyes.

"You're right, they look completely ordinary." they were very big and beautiful to you, his fingers long and slim "But if you were to ever touch them..." he gently placed his fingers on your cheek and you jumped for he was ice cold! "You see now... I'm cold like ice." he said while stroking your cheek. "You were immediately gonna guess that there was something wrong with me." why won't he remove his hand from your face? He kept caressing "Your skin's so warm... that's because your blood's alive." his voice was so soothing... and eyes so deep. He was looking into your soul. You remained like this for a few seconds when you

"Well... c-can you tell me h-how you... you know became a v-vampire?" he put his hands behind his back and walked over to the window.

"YN... I don't think that would be interesting to you. It was a dark story." he was looking through the window. His body looked like a statue in the distance.

"Are you kidding me? I wanna know everything!" then you realized you might have been too pushy so "But of course if you don't wanna talk, I'll understand and stop asking you..."

"No, it's fine. I'll tell you but... first, I suggest we go in the library. The fireplace's burning there and I believe you need heat... you're shivering!" he was right. You didn't wanna catch a cold or something.

He left you in the library and went to the kitchen to make a hot tea for you so that you'd warm up faster. After like 5 minutes he came back with the tea. That was so fast for you but he was a vampire so to him it was pretty normal! He sat in the chair in front of you and placed the cup of tea on the small table next to your chair.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Drink." you did so, eagerly waiting to hear his story.

"I come from a very rich family... Many, many years ago, when I had family and when I was a human, still a child, my father established a big village. He was its ruler, something like a king in his own empire." you drunk from the tea again as you watched him talk "But see... my father wasn't a good person. He was a liar, a dominant figure in the whole village, very cruel, fierce.. only his look would scare you! I remember, I was very scared of him... frightened!" Michael scared of something? That was hard to imagine for you.. "He treated people as if they were his servants. If they couldn't be his business partners and bring him money, then they were worthless and useless. Over the years, he became even worse... he begun killing people, he believed he was God! He thought he could say who can live and who can not! If you did him wrong, you were dead. That's how many village people found their death... he even killed my mother.." the sound of burning wood in the fireplace made the perfect background for his voice.

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