"But.. how do you live when it's this cold?!" he hesitated.

"You get used to it and it's not that cold but that's not important" he quickly changed the subject "I believe you're hungry so please..." he motioned you to eat. He sat down on a chair so that he could look at you while talking and said "You will, I trust excuse me that I do not join you but I have dined already." you gave him a smile and begun eating. "I hope the food is to your liking?"

"Yes, it's delicious, thank you!" with the fireplace behind you and the hot soup in the bowl in front of you, your body warmed up in no time and you felt much better. After you had finished dining, and you finished fast because you were very hungry, he begun

"I hope your journey was pleasant?"

"Yes, it was..." you lied. Maybe you looked a little tired because he asked you

"Do you need to sleep?"

"Yes, I am a little tired, I've been travelling all day long."

"Then, would you allow me to escort you to your chamber?" you nodded. "Please, follow me!" he got up and gave you a smile. You wondered on which floor was your room?

As you were walking on the way to your room, he begun a conversation

"I figured since you'll be staying here for a longer period of time maybe I should tell you few things about my home..."


"There are south, east and west wings. You can go anywhere you like in the castle except for the last 2 floors in the south wing... this area is forbidden." you didn't dare ask why and besides, how were you gonna get to the last floor, impossible! He went on "The gardens around the castle are very big, almost like a small forest... you can stroke anywhere you want but... only while the sun is up. When the night has fallen, don't set foot there unless I'm with you! As for the forests outside the grounds of this castle, do not at any cost, go there alone during the night!" wow that sounded like a warning... and was little scary. But why not? "If you need to leave the castle during night, let me know first, don't go on your own."

"I'm sure I understand but... may I ask why?"

"The forest is big, it is going to devour a delicate girl like you." you didn't really want to know what that was supposed to mean... "One more thing... when walking inside the castle during night you might notice what would seem as.... strange things but do not fear. The castle is very old, it has many bad memories and this is completely normal. Nothing can harm you inside." he gave you a smile.

Nothing can harm you? What did that mean.. there was something that could harm you?!

To your surprise, you reached an elevator! That was really great because if you had to take all the stairs..... uh-uh! You got in. It was very fast. You got out on the 50th floor to find yourself in a long corridor, so long that you couldn't see its end. "Please..." he motioned to you to follow. After walking for a few minutes, he stopped and opened the doors to your room for you to come in.

You jaw almost dropped as you walked in your room. It was of course, very big, well-decorated as everything else in the castle, the air was warm for the fireplace had been already lit, there were candles everywhere for the light and your luggage was there too. You walked over to the huge window and enjoyed the view-the forest. It looked beautiful and peaceful with the bright moon's light.

"I pray you like the room."

"I love it! It's very beautiful! I can't believe i'll be staying in a such room!" he let out a quiet laugh.

"I'm glad you like it! Then, i will be leaving you. I believe you have to sleep during night."

"Thank you very much Mr. Dracula, you are most kind and hospitable!" you turned around to face him so that you could thank him and ... see his beautiful face once more before you go to sleep.

Michael Jackson Dracula (Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now