Chapter Seven

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The car door swung open. I paused for a moment. It was mid evening, an autumn breeze whirled through the air. It was soon to be dark.

I was now dressed in the catering staff uniform, a typical short black dress with a white apron. Around my neck hung my identity card. Miss Lucy Harper, was apparently my 'name'.

"Good luck." Harry whispered as he closed the door behind me. The raven coloured car slowly reversed and parked around the corner, just out of sight from the house.

It was complete silence until a deep husky voice whispered through my ear piece.

"Lacey follow the side path to the staff entrance."

"Okay." My voice trembled a little. I was apprehensive and scared - terrified in fact but I didn't want to show it.

The path seemed to spiral around the huge house for what seemed like hours.

"It's okay to be scared you know. Everyone's first mission was frightening. Just act casual." That was easy for him to say.

He was like my conscience muttering things that I wanted to hear into my ear.

"How can I act casual when I'm walking around talking to thin air." I whispered.

I could hear him laugh quietly. Not that now was the time for laughter. I was in uneeded danger all for a gang who would probably kill me anyway.

"Fair point. Now where are you now?"

I didn't want to trust him, but there was a worried undertone in his voice. I guess I had no choice but to follow everything that he said.

"I'm just outside a blue door. I think it's the staff entrance." I muttered, glancing around nervously.

There were a few people exiting and entering the premises, all clutching trays of food. The hustle and bustle of all the cooking and serving made me feel a little more comfortable.

"Okay you'll see a series of doors on the left and two on the right. Follow the second door you come to on the right. Try not to talk to anyone, people tend to slip up on their answers the most." He explained slowly, making sure that I understood everything clearly and concisely.

I took a deep breath and followed his instructions.

"...Miss Harper I'm guessing?"

I froze, and slowly turned around. A man in his mid-twenties wearing an oil stained chefs outfit handed me three plates of food. I struggled with the weight of them, trying not to drop them. Balance was not my strong point.

"We've been looking everywhere for you, you're late."

He shook his head dismissively. My heart was thumping faster and faster. I tried to think of something to say.

"...I'm sorry, I was lost?" I said quickly, slightly confused.

"Lacey walk away." Harry's voice startled me. I couldn't reply to him.

"Lacey leave the room." He said louder.

"Lacey." He said again, sounding more and more on edge.

"I can't." I hushed.

"What?" The Chef eyed me suspiciously.

"...I can't...cook. Yes, I can't cook." I stated.

"Never mind cooking you're serving tonight. Now hurry up and serve." The man urged, indicating for me to go through a large beige door.

"Lacey you don't want to go in there. We only have twenty minutes until our target will go back to the study. Get out of there."

I had to ignore Harry's directions and follow the other catering staff. Walking through the door, my breathing hastened.

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