My Brother

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"M-My brother!" you yelled standing up

"How are you my brother? that's impossible! How old are you?" he stood their in shock and didn't move

"Well!" you shouted at him shocking him back in to reality

"I am 30!" he shouted back,

"then you're lying! my mother was 30 when she died which would mean she was seven when you were born!" he sighed

"But how old was your father 30 years ago?!" he shouted back, you thought for a moment and mentally counted his age

"17..." he smiled and nodded

"We shared a father... but not a mother" this was a highly plausible statement

"then who was your mother?" the question gave him a pained expression

"You wouldn't know her... she worked in a whore house" a horrible silence filled the room and Hans looked to the floor

"What's a whore house?" Layla broke the silence

"Layla" Levi gave her a stern look and she sat on his lap and lowered her head

"its a place men and women go to have baby's" you said calmly not taking your eyes of you brother... your brother... that felt weird to say. Layla nodded and then continued to colour in a picture of a lion.


I didn't know what to expect now... I had just told my sister, that I was her brother... but that was as far as I planned... I hadn't planned for her reaction... shit now what do I do? I cant just stand here like an idiot! But then I felt something, I looked down to see (y/n) hugging me

"Welcome to the family" I felt tears prick my eyes and I knew I couldn't stop them. I allowed my long arms to drape around her slim body

"Thank you"


"Mama! Mama! I have one more!" she shouted enthusiastically, she ran over to you and handed you the small brown paper bag

"I want you to open it for me" she whispered, well tried to whisper. You did as she wished and opened the brown bag to find a necklace, for once in a very long time, tears began to flow as you realised what the necklace was... It was a small piece of twine holding onto an even smaller stone heart... exactly the same as yours, the one you had made for your sister... the one that symbolised love and happiness to you

"Mama... don't cry... I thought you would like it... because its the same as yours... I'm sorry" Layla looked to the floor, a single tear dropping to the floor, you could feel the aura of guilt wash over her. You pulled her into a long and heartfelt hug

"I love it...thank you Layla" you released her from your grasp and put the necklace on her tying the same knot you used for yours. She stood up straight and wore it with pride

"you look beautiful" you whispered... She looked like Layla... she was Layla...


Hey guys sorry for a short part but I have something special planned so I am focusing on it... so until then


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