"Hello Angel"

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As the giant hand hovered above you, you desperately tried to free yourself, 

"fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!fuck!" you shouted as you tried to figure a way out of this. You looked around, trying to find something to help when you heard Levi scream

"(y/n)! Cut his fucking fingers!" fuck! How did you not think of that!? You used your free arm to slice of the fingers and roll out of the way before his giant hand punched the ground with so much force his arm ruptured and exploded, exposing bone and muscle. You began running to Levi but Eren got there first and kicked Levi who hit onto a cabin and fell unconscious 

"all right jeager that's enough!" you yelled as you attached your gear to his neck 

"I guess this is goodbye!" you shouted as your blade lifted, you aimed for the exact place the human version of Eren's head would be placed, as your blade reached the skin you were thrown to the ground by a human sized force and then you were flung against a tree, finally falling into a small ditch. As your eyes closed you saw a weak human Eren being dragged away by Jean. 

When you awoke it was night and you could hear pained groans and people yelling your name 

"I'm over here!" you yell trying to push yourself up with your non-injured arm

"(Y/N)?!" shouted the deep male voice of Levi who sounded tired and hurt 

"Over here!" you grunted getting to your feet finally, you began to walk up the small mound that created the ditch you sat in. When Levi reached you he informed you that everyone had been out for hours and Erwin was the first to wake... no one had seen Eren

"I've spent all the time I've had since I woke up looking for you! I thought he had taken you with him... or worse killed you"

"You know Eren wou-...wait did you say you have been out her since you woke up!" you shouted, he nodded in response

"You haven't checked on the baby!" his face filled with dread as you took of through the training field. As you made your way through the castle running at full speed with Levi just behind you, you couldn't help but notice that the castle was quiet ... too quiet. As you reach the door of levis office, fear filled you. Dread overwhelmed you as you opened the door to discover a bloody and unconscious Armin... even though your feelings for Armin are strong you didn't care about his position right now as all you could notice was that (a) Heichou was missing (b) the door to Layla's room was shut ... tight. You never left it shut nor did Levi or Armin. You were terrified that she would cry and no one would hear her... so you always left it wide open.

Levi finally reached you and hand in hand you walked into the darkened room of your beloved child. The crib sat in the exact centre of the room with a window behind it. The window was wide open with the pink curtains floating calmly in the cool breeze

"Layla?" your voice echoed through the cold room. Tears stained your face when you heard no small 2breaths. No crying. No nothing.

A strike of lightening lit the room for a second and a loud clap of thunder sounded as you outstretched your hand on the edge of the crib. The cold wood made the hairs on your arm stand, but the sight of what was inside the crib made every atom in your being want to implode into a cloud of pain and sorrow.


(y/n) collapsed to the floor when she realised the crib had been left empty. I crouched down and wrapped my arms around her slim figure enveloping her is my grasp. Her tears stained my perfect uniform. Her sobs stained my happiness. Her pain stained my very being. The loss of my daughter filled me with rage. My wife's pain filled me with sorrow. Eren will pay...

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