The meeting

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This is dedicated to Nysoul for being my first comment on this story. :)

Chapter 2

Mrs. Williams had given me a number, of which I was supposed to call the next morning to get the address of her sons house.


Me: Hello!

:Mrs. Williams Hello, the address is 1438 Boulevard Avenue Los Angeles.

Me: Ok, when will the meeting be?

:Mrs. Williams If you can come right now it would be the best time.

Me: Ok, I'm on my way


I freshened my makeup and then hopped into my car, humming along to the latest Black Veil Brides album. When I arrived at the address Mrs. Williams had given me was not to a "house" as she had called it, it was a mansion. I climbed out of my car and was greeted by Ben (her grandson).

"Hi! Are you going to be my nanny? You seem really nice!"

" Well, we'll have to see about that, it depends on how the interview with your father goes."

" Hi Miss... oh my mother seems to have forgotten to tell me your name

" It's Elizabeth Sixx."

" Sixx hmm?"

"Yeah, you might know of my father? He's Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue."

"I know him, he's actually very close friends with myself and the rest of my band."


" Yeah, didn't my mother-in-law tell you? I'm the bassist for Black Veil Brides."

" I thought I recognized you! I love your bands music!"

"Hmm... Well lets go and conduct the interview in my study..."

"Ok" I followed him into the large room and gasped when I found myself pushed against the wall...


Fin... for now! I'll upload after I get a couple of votes and or comments.

Laters :)

Her Corruption { A Ashley Purdy Love Story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora