You're Not Who I Thought You Were

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  "I think I'd look really cute in something like that," Becky comments to her friends, lingering in front of a lingerie shop. "Wouldn't I look sexy in that though?"

   "Yeah, you probably would," a female comments and Becky spins around blushing because her friends were gone and she just asked a stranger if she'd look sexy in some skimpy lingerie. "I'm Stephanie, the red would look pretty hot on you but the black would probably look a lot better."

   "Uhm, Becky, sorry, I thought my friends were with me. Some friends they are," she huffs.

"You wanna hang out with me?" Stephanie asks.

"Sure, why not," Becky nods.

They enjoy a nice lunch together at the food court and before Becky leaves she sneaks to the lingerie shop and purchases both the red and the black sets.

   Years later Becky walks into their bedroom and looks at Steph.

   "I told you the black would look much better on you," Steph teases.

  "I know," Becky smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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