Remember When 911

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  • Dedicated to To all the people that lost there lives on 9/11/ 2001

Remember When 911

By LadyDawn

2011 Copyright © All Right Reserved

I remember back on September 11th waking up around 5 AM getting up like I always did

making coffee when it was ready I made a cup and headed out the door with my dog for a walk. It was a beautiful morning I remember, We walked for a short while, I sipped my coffee she did her business, then we headed over to the dock to sit on the glider to watch the sun come up over the water. Just my dog and I sitting on the glider, rocking back and forth, watching the beautiful clouds change, once the sun was up in the sky we headed back inside.

It was time for another cup of coffee and the morning news and to read my E-Mail. The NEWS was so boring I almost fell back to sleep watching it, when the news was over I switch to the food network to catch up on a few of my favorite cooking shows when.....

The phone in the house rings. I pick it up. “Hello” I say to the other party, it is my oldest daughter, she tells me to turn on the TV to the local news channel there is something happening up in New York City, so I change the channel from my favorite cooking channel back to the news channel only to see tower 2 burning near the top I am lost for an explanation. I ask my daughter what am I looking at she tell me an airplane just hit a building up there in the big city. I am not believing what I am seeing. I thank here for calling me then hang up so I can watch the news to find out what is going on.

I stayed up for 24 hours straight with many pots of coffee watching the TV just to get the news that they had found just one more person alive. They shut down all the airspace over the good old U S A for the first time ever as a way to protect the citizens of this fine country.

Just like everyone else watching TV that day I witnessed the second plane hit the other building then I understood we were under attack and then heard that the pentagon also took a hit, and that there was another plain missing they were looking for too. I sat and prayed to my goddess and god to protect all the people in those building and on the ground too.

In the end so many lives were lost our country mourned, we got stronger from this dastardly deed that was done on our shores, we pulled together all for one we helped anyway we could, money, food, supplies, manpower, spiritually, in the end we became a stronger country than they ever though we would.

Here we are 10 years later we are still a strong country they did nothing to weaken our resolve we stand proud with our heads held up high, there is no one that can bring us down there level of hate for it just isn't in us. We are AMERICANS! And I am proud to be one!

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