Chapter 4

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Asia's POV

Waking up with a little bit of sunlight shining on my face from a small make shift window was the best feeling ever! Yesterday was eventful and fun. Met a new person, gathered new herbs, discovered places I've never been before. Today was a new day!

I stretched every limb on my body and soon hopped out of bed. Leaping to my doll house like mirror I smiled at myself. After brushing my hair with a doll brush I slipped on new fresh clothes and made my way to the kitchen.

"Morning, Asia. Sleep well?" my father asked while leaving a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Indeed I did! Ooo what is that amazing smell?!" I sniffed the air while my tummy growled.

"Bacon, eggs, and sausage," my mother waved the fork she held and winked. "Just because we are small doesn't mean we can't eat like the norms."

Norms. I didn't like that word us borrowers came up with to call the humans. Sounded racists if you asked me. Why couldn't we just call them humans? Or tall people? Norms was just too.. I don't know... Unfair?

Father chuckled his deep chuckle and sipped his honey tea.

"Right you are, woman."

I shook my head. Surely we act like humans. We are all created equal here. Just so happens we are different.

"So, Asia, what's on your to-do list today?" my mother asked as she piled my plate with food.

"Hmm, might go herb picking again. I've discovered new and exciting plants yesterday and I want to go back and look," I smiled taking a big bite out of my bacon.

"Sounds interesting," mother grinned. "Mind picking up a few things for me while you're out?"

She placed a list of simple things for me to get in front of me. I nodded with excitement. This only meant I could stay out a little longer.

"Most definitely!"

"Just remember to be back before dark. It's more dangerous out there around nightfall. A lot more dangerous and I don't want to have to send a search party out for you," dad instructed as he always does before I leave.

I nodded and finished my breakfast. I wondered if Cody would be anywhere around. Maybe I could go by my relaxing place to see if he's there.

Hugging and kissing my parents farewell I made out for my journey.

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