The ball

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I wake up and brush my teeth, then I get dressed. Today I have to dye my hair, buy a dress, buy shoes, and buy cookies cause everyone needs to bring a dessert
I go downstairs and I find mom making breakfast and Skylar feeding Oliver
Hey I say
Nobody answers me
Ya I'm fine I say as I get yogurt and sit down and eat it
What's with the faces? I ask
Your dad is bringing me to court to make you go back to him mom says
WHAT!! I say
If he wins, you can't ever come back here to him she says
I don't wanna go back to him! He killed someone really close to me! I say
They all looked shocked
It's true? He did murder someone?! Skylar asks
Yes I say
I'm not making you go back! Mom says
Well I'm going out I say
Ok, be careful! Mom says
Alright I say as I grab my purse
I start walking to the hair salon then I walk in and see Mia wearing a blonde WIG!!
Hey I would like to die my hair dirty blonde I tell the receptionist
What's dirty blonde! Only blonde! She says
Ok so I will dye my hair blonde I say
Alright she says
Mia, a costumer is here. Dye her hair blonde she says
Oh shit..Mia works here
Sounds good she says
I walk over and sit down and then Mia starts dyeing my hair
Ok I'm done she says
I look in the mirror and I have pretty blonde hair
Thanks, and what's up with the wig? I ask
She looked mad
I got up and payed and then I headed to the dress and shoe shop
Hello darling, how may I help you? The person who works at the shop asks
I need to find a nice dress for a ball I say
Alright follow me she says
She shows me a very pretty ball gown (the picture of the dress is up top)
I'll take it I say!
Perfect she says
Then I go and get shiny heels and I pay
After that I go to shoppers and pick up some cookies shaped as roses, then I go to mike's house cause he wanted me to get ready there cause he has a surprise for me before the ball AND after the ball
I ring the doorbell and a girl who ISNT his sister opens the door
Ya? She asks
I'm here to see Mike I say
BABE! She yells
But then his sister walks over
Yes? She asks
A girl is here to see Mike the girl says
Oh that's his girlfriend, come in Liz she says
I walk in and then walk up to his room, and he was in the room with no top and just his boxers on
Um hey babe I say
Oh hey, your here he says
Yup I say
Why do you have like 5 bags? He asks
My dress, shoes, cookies, icecream,and a gift for you I say
Well come sit babe he says
I sit beside him
Should I put pants on? He asks
No, it's ok I say
I give him his gift witch is the Apple Watch he wanted for two months
Babe! I can't believe you actually got me it! He says
I smile
He hugs and kisses me
and btw you look great with blonde hair he says
Thanks I say
So we have to get ready he says
Ok I say
I can get dressed in the washroom he says
No, it's ok. We can both get dressed in here..well if you want I say
Um sure he says
He goes in his closet, gets his suit and puts on his suit
I take off my shirt, pants, and shoes of course I have a bra on
He looks at me for a couple of seconds but then he puts on his shoes
I put my dress on and my heels
How do I look? I ask
Beautiful he smiles
Thanks I smile
I go in the washroom and straighten my hair and then I go back in the room
I take out the fancy platter I brought from home and spread the cookies on it
He laughs
I actually make my dessert he says
What did u make? I ask
Chocolate fudge cake he says
I love chocolate fudge cake! I say
Me too, now let's go to your surprise he says
We walk to the park and then he brings me to a wall and I see a drawing of me and him kissing on the wall
Did you make this? I ask
Ya, I tried to make it perfect he says
It is perfect! I love it! I hug him tightly
Well we should get to the ball he smiles
Sure I smile
We walk to our school gym and everyone is slow dancing to beautiful music
Me and Mike put our treats on the dessert table
May I have this dance? Mike asks
Of course I say
We both dance and then an hour later the ball was over so we had to leave
Did you have a good time? Mike asks
Yes :) I say
Well now for the biggest surprise! Mike says
And then a taxi comes over
Come on my lady Mike says as he holds my hand and puts me in the taxi
Please bring us too the grand hotel Mike says
We get to the hotel and it was beautiful! Mike checks us in and then he brings me to our hotel room
I walk in and there's roses near the door and there were candles
This is beautiful I say
Im glad you like it he smiles
I kiss him
I love you I say
I love you too he says
Mike picks me up and puts me on the bed, then he gets on top of me and starts to kiss me, I kiss him too and then he takes off my top
I wake up  in the hotel, I remember yesterday night perfectly, me and Mike had sex.
Good morning beautiful Mike says as he make me and him coffee
Hey I yawn
It was 1:30
I went out this morning to buy you clothes since you didn't have any he says
Thanks babe I say
I sit up on the bead but cover my stuff up
Here's your coffee Mike says as he gives me the coffee and then he sits beside me and drinks his coffee
I drink some of my coffee
Then I remember..we didn't use a condom
Shit! I say
What? He asks
We didn't use a condom and it's too late to take the night after pill! I say
Oh no...he says
Let's just think positive I say
Ok he says
I'm gonna put clothes on I say as as I put down my coffee
I go in the washroom and put on the skinny jeans and purple top Mike bought me then I put on the leather boots he got me
I walk out of the washroom and put my hair in a pony tail
So are you busy today? Mike asks
Umm, I have work at 5 I say
So what should we do before 5? He asks
I don't know I say
So how do you use this thing? Alyssa asks
I don't know Alyssa! I'm panicking! I say
Umm it says pee in the cup provided and then put the stick in the cup and wait five minutes, 2 lines means pregnant and 1 line means not pregnant she says
Hopefully I get one line I say
But if your pregnant that means Oliver your nephew will be your kids brother/cousin she says
I know I say as I panic
Just take the test she says as she walks out and closes the door
I pee in the cup and then put the stick in it
Alyssa you can come in I say
She comes in and we both wait for the results
It's been 5 minutes, let's check she says
I was so scared but I turned around and looked...two lines
No no no! I say
Don't worry Liz! I'm here for you and so will Mike she says
I hug her
Where is he now? She asks
He's with Oliver spending time with him I say
Well let's go to where he is and I'll help you tell him she says
Ok..I say
We go to the park and see him playing with Oliver
I don't think now is the right time I say
It's better to tell him now not later she says
Ok fine I say as I go up to him
Oh hey babe Mike says to me
Hey, there's something I need to tell you I say as I sit down
What is it? He asks
Well I've been having morning sickness so I took a pregnancy test and...I'm pregnant I say
He gasped and looked so shocked
I can't believe I made sisters both pregnant he says as he buries his face in his hands
I stay silent
Well..I'm um happy Mike says
Babe don't lie, I'm not happy either I say
What do we do? He asks
I'm giving it up for adoption I say
Why not keep it? He asks
Oliver would be the baby's brother/cousin!! That's why! I say
He holds my hands, but we can buy our own house with two rooms. One for us and the other the nursery. We can buy a pet cat or dog we can raise our own family Liz he says
I actually kinda like that idea I say
He hugs and kisses me
So sounds like a plan? He asks
We'll see I say
He smiles and then we go to say bye to Alyssa and then me and Mike go to my house to tell mom and Skylar the news
I take Oliver out of the stroller and hold him and then I put him in his play pen witch is in the living room
Skylar and mom can we talk in the living room I ask
Sure they say as we all sit down on the sofa including Mike
So um....I took a test I say
What test? Mom asks
Skylar already knows what I'm saying, I see from her eyes
A pregnancy test I say
Mom gasps it better say negative!! Mom says showed two lines which means pregnant I say
MOM!! I yell
Liz you either stay here and abort the baby or you go find a place with Mike and keep the god damn baby! She says don't do that Skylar says
I pick Mike!! I can't believe you!! I say
Mike was surprised
THEN GO PACK! She yells
I run upstairs and lay down on my bed crying
Skylar comes up into my room
Sis, I know I'm a bitch to you but I'll really miss you she cries and then goes back downstairs
I wipe off my tears and start to pack my clothes, then I pack my mirror And shoes.i pack all my school stuff (homework, textbooks) and my backpack and then I put a sweater on and walk downstairs
I'm ready babe I say
Are you sure you wanna pick me over your mom? He asks
Yes I say
Well for now we're living at my house, is that ok while we find a house? He asks
Ya. I say
Bye Oliver I say as I kiss his cheek
Skylar runs over and hugs me
Bye sis :( she says
Bye :( I say
Me and Mike get a taxi and then we drive over to his house and he pays the driver
We walk into his house
Ok babe you can get your stuff organized in my room while I talk to my sister about this he says
What about your parents? I ask
The parents who left a long time ago? He says
Oh..sorry I say as I go upstairs to his room
I put my shoes on his shoe rack with his shoes, I put my backpack in the corner of the room with mike's,and then I put my mirror on top  of the closet cabinet cause it's short, and then I put all my clothes in the closet cabinet and then Mike walks in
Ok, my sister is fine with it but kinda mad I made both sisters pregnant he says
Ok great I say
And My sister's best friend is selling her house and it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a basement, a pool and a big back yard, and a living room and dining room. Maybe we can buy it? He asks
Yes! That sounds great! I say
Great :) tomorrow we can go look at it he says
Ok I say as I sit on his bed
He sits beside me
So, when's the first doctors appointment? He asks
I don't know, Alyssa has 4 kids that she put up for adoption but she said her doctor during her pregnancy was great so she booked me a appointment with her but she hasn't told me when it is I say
She has 4 kids and she gave them all up? Wow he says
Ya I know, she was gonna keep the 4th but then her boyfriend started drugs again I say
Oh, that's sad he says
Yup I say
He rubs my tummy as he smiles
How many weeks? He asks
2 I'm guessing I say
He kisses my belly
Your such a good daddy I smile
Are you staying in school? He asks
I'm thinking about online school, it'll be easier I say
Ok, that'll be good he says
Do you need proof I'm pregnant? I ask
No babe, I believe you he says
I smile
But Babe, your mom is right I'm a man whore I got both sisters pregnant he says
Then I get a phone call from Skylar and I pick up
Skylar: SIS
Liz: yes
Liz: who's gone?!

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