Chapter 4

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I wake up, pick out my outfit, brush my teeth and blah blah blah
I get my bag and start walking to school, about half way there I see Skylar and Justin walking to school together behind me
I start walking faster
When I got to school I put my heavy books in my locker and take my bag with me to class that has my lip balm,notebook,hand cream,phone,and pencils
I take my science textbook with me also cause that's my first class
I walk to my seat and sit down and take out my pencil and notebook
Hey Justin says walking up to me and sitting beside me
Hi I say
So about last night he said
It's ok, I'm used to seeing people making out when I walk into the room I say
Haha well ok he says
I smile at him while I take notes
So Liz do u want to come over to my house at 7:00? Just a friend hangout he asks
Sure why not I say
Ok great he says

IMMA skip to after school cause that's the only thing important that happened at school
I meet Mia outside the school and we start walking to McDonald's, we get there and we order our food and then we go find a table and start eating
So how was ur day? I ask
Everyone made fun of my hair she says
Don't listen to them Mia, u look great I say
Thanks she says but it looks like she's  hiding something
Mia I know your hiding something, what happend? I ask
Liz I'm a lesbian... she says
I was surprised at first but then I say Mia that changes nothing
And...I got asked on a date by a really pretty girl she says
Really? That's Great! I say
But.. She's my cousin's ex girlfriend she says
Oh well...follow what your heart says I say
Thanks Liz she says
We finish eating and we say our goodbyes and then I walk home
I walk to my room and change my out fit, I put on a black tank top that says "bitch, I'm hot" and white skinny jeans
I walk down stairs and I see my mom
Hey hunny, where are you going? She asks
With a friend I say
Oh, Skylar is at cousin jade's house she says
I have no idea who that is but I just say cool
Ya, so see you later hunny she says
Bye I say as I walk out the door and go to the address where he said he lives
I knock on the door And after like one minute he comes and opens the door
Hey he said as he holds the door wide so I can walk in
Hi I said as I walk in
We walk to the living room sofa and we sit down, we start watching america's funniest home videos and then he puts his arm around me it was wierd but I liked it
We look at eachother smiling and then suddenly he kisses me! He pulled back right away
I'm so sorry he said
I-it's ok I say
I pick up my purse and start heading for the door
Where are u going? He asks
I got to go home I say
Listen lizzy I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that he said
Well...I say
Please stay, we could um bake cookies? He said
Ok I'll stay a little longer I say
Ok cool he says
But really? Bake cookies? Haha no I say
So then what should we do? He asks
Invite friends over and play truth or dare? I ask
Yea sure he says as he texts his friends
A couple minutes later Mia is here and his friends are here with there girlfriends, we sit in a circle
Truth or dare lizzy Mia asks
Umm dare I say
I dare u to go outside and scream "I love mike" she says
Who's mike? I ask
Oh just a hot boy who lives across the street she says laughing
No! I'm gonna embarrass myself
Come on just do it Justin's friend says
Ok fine I say as I head towards the door and then I step out and scream
All of a sudden...I see a door swing open across the street
Omg Liz! That's him! Mia says
Justin looks at me in a jealous way I guess
Uhh he's coming toward me! I say freaking out
Sup he says standing I front of me
J-just playing truth or dare I say
Skylar's sister? Huh? He asks do u know? I ask
Then Justin starting looking closer
My ex he said
Oh...but how do u know I'm her sister? I ask
She mentioned u to me, a lot he says
Oh...I say
But your really pretty he says
Thank you I say
I'll let u continue but I'll stop by your house tomorrow he said
Ya ya ok see ya! I say as I slam the door
Yo Liz! Why don't u like him? He's hot! Mia says
He's not that hot Justin says
He's really creepy! I say
Ya...sureeee Justin's sister says
I roll my eyes and sit back down
After an hour of playing I go home, I walk upstairs and see my sister in her room crying, I thought she was at jade's house
I walk into her room and sit beside her
Skylar...what's wrong? I ask
Liz she says as she cries
Yes? I ask
She shows me a positive pregnancy test and starts crying even harder!
Omg! Your pregnant?! I ask
Yes but she says
But what I ask
It's not Justin's she says as she balls her eyes out
I gasp then who's is it I ask
Mike's she says
HUH I say
Yes I know, I cheated she said
OMG I'm telling Justin! I say
No, I'm telling him it's his she says
But Skylar! Your gonna ruin his life if u tell him your pregnant! He's gonna go through so much stress thinking it's his! I say
But Liz he will brake up with him if I tell him the truth she says
Well that's why u shouldn't cheat! I say
Liz just promise me u won't tell him the truth she says
I...promise I say
Thank you, now I'm gonna invite him over she says
Two minutes later I hear Justin come in and walk to skylar's room
I stand in front of skylar's door and listen to the conversation
I hear Skylar tell him she's pregnant and then Justin being silent and then staying well what do we do and then couple minutes later he's happy
A tear scrolls down my cheek, I know it's not his but he's happy and they are starting a future together
I run to my room and lay down on my bed and burry my face in my pillow
I then hear Skylar and Justin walk into my room and yell
I sit up on my bed, Ohhh yay I say
Aren't u happy my sister says glaring at me
Better not tell mom that way I say as I get up and walk right pass them, I walk to the kitchen where my mom is and grab a fruit snack
Lizzy! My mom says
Yes? I ask
I found a positive pregnancy test in the garbage! Is it yours? She asks
No! I say
Don't u dare lie to me young lady she says!
I swear it's not mine! I say
Well u are a little chubby! She's says
Gee thanks for calling me fat I yell
Skylar and Justin run down the stairs
Mom what's with all the yelling skylar asks
Well Skylar maybe u should tell mom now! I say
Oh um ya so mom I'm pregnant...she says
My mom drops the cup she had in her hand
WHAT?! she yells
Please don't be mad, we need your support Skylar says as she grabs Justin's hand
To be honest, Skylar is really a BITCH
I just need some rest mom says as she runs up to her room
Skylar u know what? Mike is really nice in fact he's coming over tomorrow I say
You met him? She asks
Yes I did actually I say
She shoots me a glare and says oh um nice
If only they knew the truth I say as I walk up to my room and sit at my desk
I grab my phone and text Mia
Me: yo Mia, guess what
Mia: what?
Me: my sister is pregnant but Justin isn't the dad
Mia: what?!?!
me: ya she cheated and she made me promise I wouldn't tell Justin!
Mia: omg
Me: but I just can't keep this secret from him forever!
Mia: I'm with you there I mean Justin needs to know Skylar is really a bitch
Me: yep, I totally agree
Mia: well tomorrow at lunch we'll talk about this
Me: ya of course, see ya
I hear Justin leave and then I hear Skylar come to my room
I quickly put my phone away

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